Reverse String II
Problem Description​
Given a string s
and an integer k
, reverse the first k
characters for every 2k
characters counting from the start of the string.
If there are fewer than k
characters left, reverse all of them. If there are less than 2k
but greater than or equal to k
characters, then reverse the first k
characters and leave the other as original.
Example 1:
Input: s = "abcdefg", k = 2
Output: "bacdfeg"
Example 2:
Input: s = "abcd", k = 2
Output: "bacd"
consists of only lowercase English letters.
Solution for Reverse String II​
Intuition and Algorithm​
We will reverse each block of 2k characters directly.
Each block starts at a multiple of 2k: for example, 0, 2k, 4k, 6k, .... One thing to be careful about is we may not reverse each block if there aren't enough characters.
To reverse a block of characters from i to j, we can swap characters in positions i++ and j--.
Code in Different Languages​
- C++
- Java
- Python
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
class Solution {
std::string reverseStr(std::string s, int k) {
for (int start = 0; start < s.length(); start += 2 * k) {
int i = start;
int j = std::min(start + k - 1, static_cast<int>(s.length()) - 1);
while (i < j) {
std::swap(s[i++], s[j--]);
return s;
class Solution {
public String reverseStr(String s, int k) {
char[] a = s.toCharArray();
for (int start = 0; start < a.length; start += 2 * k) {
int i = start, j = Math.min(start + k - 1, a.length - 1);
while (i < j) {
char tmp = a[i];
a[i++] = a[j];
a[j--] = tmp;
return new String(a);
class Solution(object):
def reverseStr(self, s, k):
a = list(s)
for i in xrange(0, len(a), 2*k):
a[i:i+k] = reversed(a[i:i+k])
return "".join(a)
Complexity Analysis​
Time Complexity: ​
Reason: where N is the size of
. We build a helper array, plus reverse about half the characters ins
Space Complexity: ​
Reason: the size of
LeetCode Problem: Reverse String II
Solution Link: Reverse String II