📄️ find-k-length-substrings-with-no-repeated-characters
📄️ Corporate Flight Bookings
Solve the problem of calculating the total number of seats reserved for each flight using the booking intervals and prefix sum technique.
📄️ Delete Nodes And Return Forest
Solve the problem of deleting nodes from a binary tree and returning the forest of remaining trees using depth-first search.
📄️ 1111 - Maximun-Nesting-Depth-of-Two-Valid-Parentheses-Strings
Problem Statement
📄️ 1115 - Print FooBar Alternately - Leetcode
Problem Statement
📄️ 1116 - Print Zero Even Odd - Leetcode
Problem Statement
📄️ 1117 - Building-H2o - Leetcode
Problem Statement
📄️ 1129. Shortest-Path-With-Alternating-Colors
This is a solution to the Shortest-Path-With-Alternating-Colors problem on LeetCode.
📄️ 1143-longest common subsequence
Given two strings , return the longest common subsequence .
📄️ 1161. Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree
This is a solution to the Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree problem on LeetCode.
📄️ 1190. Reverse Substrings Between Each Pair of Parentheses
This is a solution to the 1190. Reverse Substrings Between Each Pair of Parentheses problem on LeetCode.