📄️ 0220- Contains Dublicate III
This is the solution of question H-Index II on leetcode
📄️ 0274-H-Index
Given an array of integers citations where citations[i] is the number of citations a researcher received for their ith paper, return the researcher's h-index.
📄️ 0275-H-Index II
This is the solution of question H-Index II on leetcode
📄️ 0200 - Number of Islands
This is a solution to the Number of Island problem on LeetCode.
📄️ 201 Bitwise AND of Numbers Range
This document provides a solution where we return the bitwise AND of all numbers in a given range.
📄️ 202 Happy Number
This document provides a solution for Happy Number problem on LeetCode.
📄️ 203-Remove-Linked-List-Elements
This document provides solutions for removing all nodes from a linked list that have a specific value.
📄️ 0204 - Count Primes
This is a solution to the Count Primes problem on LeetCode.
📄️ 205-Isomorphic-Strings
This document provides solutions for determining if two strings are isomorphic.
📄️ 206-Reverse-LinkedList
This document provides solutions for determining the Reverse Linkedlist.
📄️ 0207 Course Schedule
This document provides a solution to the Course Schedule problem.
📄️ 0208 Implement-Trie
This document provides a solution to the Implementation of Trie.
📄️ 0209 Minimum Size Subarray Sum
This document provides a solution to the Minimum Size Subarray Sum problem
📄️ 0210 Course Schedule II
This document provides a solution to the Course Schedule II problem.
📄️ 0211 - Design Add and Search Words Data Structure
This document provides a solution to the leetcode 211
📄️ 0212-word-search-ii
This document provides a solution to the Word Search II problem, where we need to return all words on the board, given an mXn board of characters and a list of strings words.
📄️ 0213 House Robber II
This document provides a solution to the House Robber II problem, where houses are arranged in a circle.
📄️ 0214 Shortest Palindrome
This document provides a solution to finding the shortest palindrome by adding characters in front of the given string.
📄️ 0215-KthLargestElementInAnArray
Find the kth largest element in an unsorted array. Note that it is the kth largest element in sorted order, not the kth distinct element.
📄️ 0216-combination-sum-III
This document provides a solution to the combination sum III problem,
📄️ 0217-Contains Duplicate
Given an integer array nums, return true if any value appears at least twice in the array, and return false if every element is distinct.
📄️ 0218-The-Skyline-Problem
Problem Description
📄️ 0219-Contains Duplicate II
Given an integer array nums and an integer k, return true if there are two distinct indices i and j in the array such that nums[i] == nums[j] and abs(i - j) <= k.
📄️ 221 Maximal Square
This document provides a solution where we find the largest square containing only 1's and return its area.
📄️ 0222 Count complete tree nodes
This is a solution to the Count Complete tree nodes
📄️ 0223 Rectangle Area
This gives solution to the problem rectangle area
📄️ 0224 Basic Calculator
This gives solution to the problem basic calculator
📄️ 0225 Implement Stack using Queues
This is a solution to the Implement Stack using Queues problem on LeetCode.
📄️ 0226 Invert Binary Search Tree
This is a solution to the Invert Binary Search Tree problem on LeetCode.
📄️ 0227 Basic Calculator II
This gives solution to the problem basic calculator II
📄️ 0228-Summary-Ranges
Problem Description
📄️ 0229-Majority-Element-II
This document provides a solution to the Majority Element II problem, where we need to find all elements that appear more than ⌊ n/3 ⌋ times.
📄️ 0230 Kth Smallest Element in Binary Search Tree
This is a solution to theKth Smallest Element in Binary Search Tree problem on LeetCode.
📄️ 0231-Power-of-Two
Problem Description
📄️ Implement Queue using Stacks
This document provides an implementation of a queue using stacks, supporting push, pop, peek, and empty operations.
📄️ 233 Number of Digit One
This document provides a solution where we count the total number of digit $1$ appearing in all non-negative integers less than or equal to n.
📄️ 0234-Palindrome Linked List
Given the head of a singly linked list, return true if it is a palindrome or false otherwise.
📄️ 235-Lowest-Common-Ancestor-of-a-Binary-Search-Tree
Given a binary search tree (BST), find the lowest common ancestor (LCA) node of two given nodes in the BST.
📄️ 0236-Lowest-Common-Ancestor-of-a-Binary-Tree
Given a binary tree, find the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of two given nodes in the tree.
📄️ 0237-Delete-Node-in-a-Linked-List
This document provides a solution to the Delete Node in a Linked List problem, where we need to delete a given node from a singly linked list.
📄️ 0238-Product of Array Except Self
Given an integer array nums, return an array answer such that answer[i] is equal to the product of all the elements of nums except nums[i].
📄️ 239 -Sliding Window Maximum
This is a solution to the Sliding Window Maximum problem on LeetCode.
📄️ 0240 - Search a 2D Matrix II
This is a solution to the Search a 2D Matrix II problem on LeetCode.
📄️ 0241-Different Ways to Add Parentheses
Solution to leetocde 241
📄️ 0242 Valid Anagram
This is a solution to the Valid Anagram problem on LeetCode.
📄️ 0243 Shortest Word Distance
This is a solution to the Shortest Word Distance problem on LeetCode.
📄️ 0244-Shortest Distance Between Words - II
Solution to finding the shortest distance between two words in an array of strings.
📄️ 0244 - Shortest Word Distance II
This is a solution to the Shortest Word Distance II problem on LeetCode.
📄️ 0245-Shortest Distance Between Words - III
Solution to finding the shortest distance between two words in an array of strings.
📄️ 0246-Strobogrammatic Number
Solution to finding the Strobogrammatic Number in an array of strings.
📄️ 0255-Verify Preorder Sequence in Binary Search Tree
Solution to finding and Verify Preorder Sequence in Binary Search Tree.
📄️ 0256. Paint House
Solution to finding the paint House.
📄️ 0257. Binary Tree Paths
Solution to Leetcode 257. Binary Tree Paths
📄️ 0258-Add-digits
Given an integer num, repeatedly add all its digits until the result has only one digit, and return it.
📄️ 0260-Single-Number-III
Given an integer array `nums`, in which exactly two elements appear only once and all the other elements appear exactly twice. Find the two elements that appear only once. You can return the answer in any order.
📄️ 0263-Ugly-Number
This document provides a solution to the Ugly Number problem, where we need to determine if a number is an ugly number.
📄️ 0264-Ugly-Number-II
This document provides a solution to the Ugly Number II problem, where we need to find the nth ugly number.
📄️ 268-Missing-Number
Problem Description
📄️ 0273 - Integer to English Words
This is a solution to the Integer to English Words problem on LeetCode.
📄️ 0283-Move Zeroes
Given an integer array nums, move all 0's to the end of it while maintaining the relative order of the non-zero elements.
📄️ 0283-Move Zeroes
This is a solution to the move zeroes in leetcode
📄️ 0287-Find the Duplicate Number
Given an array of N + 1 size, where each element is between 1 and N. Assuming there is only one duplicate number, your task is to find the duplicate number.
📄️ Median Finder
This document provides a solution to the Median Finder problem, where you need to efficiently find the median of a stream of numbers.