📄️ 1646-Get Maximum in Generated Array
This is a solution to the Get Maximum in Generated Array problem on LeetCode.
📄️ 1652-Defuse the Bomb
This is a solution to the Defuse the Bomb problem on LeetCode.
📄️ Special Array with X Elements Greater Than or Equal X
This document provides solutions for the Special Array with X Elements Greater Than or Equal X problem.
📄️ 1609-EvenOddTree
Determine if a binary tree is an "even-odd" tree, where the level of nodes alternates between odd and even values.
📄️ 1622 Fancy Sequence
This document provides a solution where we need to Write an API that generates fancy sequences using the append, addAll, and multAll operations.
📄️ 1631 - Path With Minimum Effort
This is a solution to the Path With Minimum Effort problem on LeetCode.
📄️ 1662-Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent
This is a solution to the Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent in a string in leetcode
📄️ 1670.Design Front Middle Back Queue
This is a solution to theDesign Front Middle Back Queue problem on LeetCode.
📄️ 1678-Goal Parser Interpretation
This is a solution to the goal parser interpretation in leetcode
📄️ 0082-MaxNumberofK-SumPairs
You are given an integer array nums and an integer k.In one operation, you can pick two numbers from the array whose sum equals k and remove them from the array.Return the maximum number of operations you can perform on the array.
📄️ 1688-Count-of-Matches-in-Tournament
Given the number of teams in a tournament, calculate the number of matches played until a winner is decided.