Sum of All Odd Length Subarrays Solution
In this page, we will solve the Sum of All Odd Length Subarrays problem using multiple approaches: brute-force and prefix sum optimization. We will provide the implementation of the solution in Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, and C++.
Problem Description​
Given an array of positive integers arr
, calculate the sum of all possible odd-length subarrays.
A subarray is a contiguous subsequence of the array.
Return the sum of all odd-length subarrays of arr
Example 1:
Input: arr = [1,4,2,5,3]
Output: 58
Explanation: The odd-length subarrays of `arr` and their sums are:
- [1] => 1
- [4] => 4
- [2] => 2
- [5] => 5
- [3] => 3
- [1,4,2] => 7
- [4,2,5] => 11
- [2,5,3] => 10
- [1,4,2,5,3] => 15
If we sum everything, we get 1 + 4 + 2 + 5 + 3 + 7 + 11 + 10 + 15 = 58.
Example 2:
Input: arr = [1,2]
Output: 3
Explanation: There are only 2 elements. So, only subarrays of length 1 and 2 will be considered. The sum of them is 1 + 2 = 3.
Example 3:
Input: arr = [10,11,12]
Output: 66
Solution for Sum of All Odd Length Subarrays​
Intuition and Approach​
The problem can be solved using different approaches. We will start with a brute-force approach and then look at an optimized approach using prefix sums.
- Brute Force
- Prefix Sum
Approach 1: Brute Force​
We iterate through all possible subarrays of odd lengths and calculate their sums.
function sumOfOddLengthSubarrays() { const arr = [1, 4, 2, 5, 3]; const sumOddLengthSubarrays = function(arr) { let result = 0; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { for (let j = i; j < arr.length; j += 2) { for (let k = i; k <= j; k++) { result += arr[k]; } } } return result; }; const result = sumOddLengthSubarrays(arr); return ( <div> <p> <b>Input:</b> arr = {JSON.stringify(arr)} </p> <p> <b>Output:</b> {result} </p> </div> ); }
Codes in Different Languages​
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Python
- Java
- C++
function sumOddLengthSubarrays(arr) {
let result = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
for (let j = i; j < arr.length; j += 2) {
for (let k = i; k <= j; k++) {
result += arr[k];
return result;
function sumOddLengthSubarrays(arr: number[]): number {
let result = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
for (let j = i; j < arr.length; j += 2) {
for (let k = i; k <= j; k++) {
result += arr[k];
return result;
class Solution:
def sumOddLengthSubarrays(self, arr: List[int]) -> int:
result = 0
for i in range(len(arr)):
for j in range(i, len(arr), 2):
result += sum(arr[i:j+1])
return result
class Solution {
public int sumOddLengthSubarrays(int[] arr) {
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
for (int j = i; j < arr.length; j += 2) {
for (int k = i; k <= j; k++) {
result += arr[k];
return result;
class Solution {
int sumOddLengthSubarrays(vector<int>& arr) {
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
for (int j = i; j < arr.size(); j += 2) {
for (int k = i; k <= j; k++) {
result += arr[k];
return result;
Complexity Analysis​
- Time Complexity:
- Space Complexity:
- Where
is the length of the arrayarr
. - The time complexity is cubic due to three nested loops iterating through the array.
- The space complexity is constant as no additional space is required beyond a few variables.
Approach 2: Prefix Sum​
We can optimize the brute-force solution by precomputing prefix sums. This allows us to calculate the sum of any subarray in constant time.
function sumOfOddLengthSubarrays() { const arr = [1, 4, 2, 5, 3]; const sumOddLengthSubarrays = function(arr) { const prefixSum = [0]; for (let num of arr) { prefixSum.push(prefixSum[prefixSum.length - 1] + num); } let result = 0; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { for (let j = i; j < arr.length; j += 2) { result += prefixSum[j + 1] - prefixSum[i]; } } return result; }; const result = sumOddLengthSubarrays(arr); return ( <div> <p> <b>Input:</b> arr = {JSON.stringify(arr)} </p> <p> <b>Output:</b> {result} </p> </div> ); }
Codes in Different Languages​
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Python
- Java
- C++
function sumOddLengthSubarrays(arr) {
const prefixSum = [0];
for (let num of arr) {
prefixSum.push(prefixSum[prefixSum.length - 1] + num);
let result = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
for (let j = i; j < arr.length; j += 2) {
result += prefixSum[j + 1] - prefixSum[i];
return result;
function sumOddLengthSubarrays(arr: number[]): number {
const prefixSum = [0];
for (let num of arr) {
prefixSum.push(prefixSum[prefixSum.length - 1] + num);
let result = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
for (let j = i; j < arr.length; j += 2) {
result += prefixSum[j + 1] - prefixSum[i];
return result;
class Solution:
def sumOddLengthSubarrays(self, arr: List[int]) -> int:
prefix_sum = [0]
for num in arr:
prefix_sum.append(prefix_sum[-1] + num)
result = 0
for i in range(len(arr)):
for j in range(i, len(arr), 2):
result += prefix_sum[j + 1] - prefix_sum[i]
return result
class Solution {
public int sumOddLengthSubarrays(int[] arr) {
int[] prefixSum = new int[arr.length + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
prefixSum[i + 1] = prefixSum[i] + arr[i];
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
for (int j = i; j < arr.length; j += 2) {
result += prefixSum[j + 1] - prefixSum[i];
return result;
class Solution {
int sumOddLengthSubarrays(vector<int>& arr) {
vector<int> prefixSum(arr.size() + 1, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
prefixSum[i + 1] = prefixSum[i] + arr[i];
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
for (int j = i; j < arr.size(); j += 2) {
result += prefixSum[j + 1] - prefixSum[i];
return result;
Complexity Analysis​
- Time Complexity:
- Space Complexity:
- Where
is the length of the arrayarr
. - The time complexity is quadratic due to two nested loops iterating through the array.
- The space complexity is linear as we use extra space to store prefix sums.
By using these approaches, we can efficiently solve the Sum of All Odd Length Subarrays problem for the given constraints.
- LeetCode Problem: LeetCode Problem
- Solution Link: Sum of All Odd Length Subarrays Solution on LeetCode
- Authors LeetCode Profile: Manish Kumar Gupta