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1420. Build Array Where You Can Find The Maximum Exactly K Comparisons


The problem involves finding the number of ways to create an array of length n with elements from 1 to m such that the sum of the elements is equal to k. This can be approached as a dynamic programming problem where you consider each position in the array and each possible value for that position. The intuition here is to use recursion with memoization to keep track of the number of ways to achieve the desired sum while exploring different choices.


We define a function solve that takes several parameters:

  1. If searchCost exceeds k, we return 0 as it's not a valid way to achieve the desired sum.
  2. If we have reached the end of the array (n == index), we check if searchCost is equal to k. If it is, we return 1 (valid way), otherwise, we return 0 (not a valid way).
  3. We check if we have already computed the result for the current state (index, searchCost, maxi) in the dp table. If yes, we return the memoized result.
  4. We initialize temp to 0, which will be used to accumulate the number of valid ways.
  5. We loop through all possible values from 1 to m for the current position.
  6. If the current value is greater than maxi, we recursively call solve with index + 1, searchCost + 1, and the new maximum value i.
  7. If the current value is not greater than maxi, we call solve with index + 1, searchCost, and the current maximum value maxi.
  8. We accumulate the results in temp.


Time complexity: The time complexity depends on the number of subproblems, which is O(n * k * m^2) in the worst case.

Space complexity: The space complexity is determined by the size of the dp table, which is O(n * k * m) to store intermediate results.

class Solution {
int mod = 1e9 + 7;
int solve(int index, int searchCost, int maxi, int n, int m, int k, vector<vector<vector<int>>> &dp)
if (searchCost > k)
return 0;

if (n == index)
if (searchCost == k)
return 1;
return 0;
if (dp[index][searchCost][maxi] != -1)
return dp[index][searchCost][maxi];

int temp = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++)
if (i > maxi)
temp = (temp + solve(index + 1, searchCost + 1, i, n, m, k, dp)) % mod;
temp = (temp + solve(index + 1, searchCost, maxi, n, m, k, dp)) % mod;
return dp[index][searchCost][maxi] = temp;

int numOfArrays(int n, int m, int k)
vector<vector<vector<int>>> dp(n + 1, vector<vector<int>>(k + 1, vector<int>(m + 1, -1)));
return solve(0, 0, 0, n, m, k, dp);