Determine if Two Events Have Conflict
Problem Statement​
Problem Description​
You are given two arrays of strings that represent two inclusive events that happened on the same day, event1 and event2, where:
event1 = [startTime1, endTime1] and event2 = [startTime2, endTime2]. Event times are valid 24 hours format in the form of HH:MM.
A conflict happens when two events have some non-empty intersection (i.e., some moment is common to both events).
Return true if there is a conflict between two events. Otherwise, return false
Example 1​
Input: event1 = ["01:15","02:00"], event2 = ["02:00","03:00"]
Output: true
Explanation: The two events intersect at time 2:00.
Example 2​
Input: event1 = ["01:00","02:00"], event2 = ["01:20","03:00"]
Output: true
Explanation: The two events intersect starting from 01:20 to 02:00.
Example 3​
Input: event1 = ["10:00","11:00"], event2 = ["14:00","15:00"]
Output: false
Explanation: The two events do not intersect.
event1.length == event2.length == 2
event1[i].length == event2[i].length == 5
startTime1 <= endTime1
startTime2 <= endTime2
All the event times follow the HH:MM format.
Solution of Given Problem​
Intuition and Approach​
The problem can be solved using a brute force approach or an optimized Technique.
- Brute Force
- Optimized approach
Approach 1:Brute Force (Naive)​
Brute Force Approach:
- Convert the event times to minutes since midnight.
- Generate all the minutes for both events.
- Check if there is any common minute between the two sets.
Codes in Different Languages​
- C++
- Java
- Python
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int toMinutes(const string& time) {
int hours = stoi(time.substr(0, 2));
int minutes = stoi(time.substr(3, 2));
return hours * 60 + minutes;
bool haveConflictBruteForce(vector<string>& event1, vector<string>& event2) {
int start1 = toMinutes(event1[0]);
int end1 = toMinutes(event1[1]);
int start2 = toMinutes(event2[0]);
int end2 = toMinutes(event2[1]);
for (int t1 = start1; t1 <= end1; ++t1) {
for (int t2 = start2; t2 <= end2; ++t2) {
if (t1 == t2) return true;
return false;
import java.util.List;
public class Solution {
private int toMinutes(String time) {
int hours = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(0, 2));
int minutes = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(3, 5));
return hours * 60 + minutes;
public boolean haveConflictBruteForce(List<String> event1, List<String> event2) {
int start1 = toMinutes(event1.get(0));
int end1 = toMinutes(event1.get(1));
int start2 = toMinutes(event2.get(0));
int end2 = toMinutes(event2.get(1));
for (int t1 = start1; t1 <= end1; ++t1) {
for (int t2 = start2; t2 <= end2; ++t2) {
if (t1 == t2) return true;
return false;
def to_minutes(time):
hours, minutes = map(int, time.split(':'))
return hours * 60 + minutes
def have_conflict_brute_force(event1, event2):
start1 = to_minutes(event1[0])
end1 = to_minutes(event1[1])
start2 = to_minutes(event2[0])
end2 = to_minutes(event2[1])
return any(t1 == t2 for t1 in range(start1, end1 + 1) for t2 in range(start2, end2 + 1))
Complexity Analysis​
- Time Complexity:
- We generate and check all possible minute pairs within the intervals.
- Space Complexity:
- We use a constant amount of extra space.
Approach 2: Optimized approach​
Optimized Approach:
- Convert the event times to minutes since midnight.
- Check if the start of one event is before the end of the other and vice versa.
Code in Different Languages​
- C++
- Java
- Python
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int toMinutes(const string& time) {
int hours = stoi(time.substr(0, 2));
int minutes = stoi(time.substr(3, 2));
return hours * 60 + minutes;
bool haveConflictOptimized(vector<string>& event1, vector<string>& event2) {
int start1 = toMinutes(event1[0]);
int end1 = toMinutes(event1[1]);
int start2 = toMinutes(event2[0]);
int end2 = toMinutes(event2[1]);
return !(end1 < start2 || end2 < start1);
import java.util.List;
public class Solution {
private int toMinutes(String time) {
int hours = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(0, 2));
int minutes = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(3, 5));
return hours * 60 + minutes;
public boolean haveConflictOptimized(List<String> event1, List<String> event2) {
int start1 = toMinutes(event1.get(0));
int end1 = toMinutes(event1.get(1));
int start2 = toMinutes(event2.get(0));
int end2 = toMinutes(event2.get(1));
return !(end1 < start2 || end2 < start1);
def to_minutes(time):
hours, minutes = map(int, time.split(':'))
return hours * 60 + minutes
def have_conflict_optimized(event1, event2):
start1 = to_minutes(event1[0])
end1 = to_minutes(event1[1])
start2 = to_minutes(event2[0])
end2 = to_minutes(event2[1])
return not (end1 < start2 or end2 < start1)
Complexity Analysis​
- Time Complexity:
- We perform constant-time calculations and comparisons.
- Space Complexity:
- We use a constant amount of extra space.
Video Explanation of Given Problem​