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Count Days Without Meetings

Problem Description​

You are given a positive integer days representing the total number of days an employee is available for work (starting from day 1). You are also given a 2D array meetings of size n where, meetings[i] = [start_i, end_i] represents the starting and ending days of meeting i (inclusive).

Return the count of days when the employee is available for work but no meetings are scheduled.

Note: The meetings may overlap.


Example 1:

Input: days = 10, meetings = [[5,7],[1,3],[9,10]]

Output: 2


There is no meeting scheduled on the 4th and 8th days.

Example 2:

Input: days = 5, meetings = [[2,4],[1,3]]

Output: 1


There is no meeting scheduled on the 5th day.

Example 3:

Input: days = 6, meetings = [[1,6]]

Output: 0


Meetings are scheduled for all working days.


  • 1 <= days <= 10^9
  • 1 <= meetings.length <= 10^5
  • meetings[i].length == 2
  • 1 <= meetings[i][0] <= meetings[i][1] <= days

Solution for Find the N-th Value After K Seconds Problem​

Prerequisite - Do Merge Interval Question On Leetcode​


To solve the problem of counting non-working days given a list of intervals that denote working days, we can break down the solution into the following steps:

  • Merge Intervals: Given a list of intervals representing working days, merge any overlapping intervals to consolidate the total working days. This step ensures that we account for continuous working periods without duplication.

  • Count Working Days: After merging the intervals, calculate the total number of working days by summing up the lengths of all the merged intervals.

  • Calculate Non-Working Days: Subtract the total number of working days from the total number of days to get the number of non-working days.

Detailed Steps​

Merge Intervals:​

  • Sort the intervals based on the start day.
  • Iterate through the intervals and merge them if they overlap.
  • Maintain a list of merged intervals.

Count Working Days:​

  • For each merged interval, calculate the length of the interval (end day - start day + 1).
  • Sum up the lengths to get the total number of working days.

Calculate Non-Working Days:​

  • Subtract the total number of working days from the total number of days given.


Live Editor
function Solution(arr) {
  function merge(intervals) {
    intervals.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);
    const output = [];
    for (let interval of intervals) {
        if (output.length === 0 || output[output.length - 1][1] < interval[0]) {
        } else {
            output[output.length - 1][1] = Math.max(output[output.length - 1][1], interval[1]);
    return output;

function countDays(days, meetings) {
    const ans = merge(meetings);
    for (let [st, end] of ans) {
        days -= (end - st + 1);
    return days;
  const input = [[5,7],[1,3],[9,10]];
  const  days = 10
  const output = countDays(days , input)
  return (
        <b>Input: </b>
        <b>Output:</b> {output.toString()}

Complexity Analysis​

  • Time Complexity: O(nlogn)O(nlogn)
  • Space Complexity: O(1)O(1)

Code in Different Languages​

Written by @hiteshgahanolia
 function merge(intervals) {
intervals.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);
const output = [];
for (let interval of intervals) {
if (output.length === 0 || output[output.length - 1][1] < interval[0]) {
} else {
output[output.length - 1][1] = Math.max(output[output.length - 1][1], interval[1]);
return output;

function countDays(days, meetings) {
const ans = merge(meetings);
for (let [st, end] of ans) {
days -= (end - st + 1);
return days;
