Rightmost Different Bit
In this page, we will solve the problem of finding the rightmost position of the bit which is different in both numbers.
Problem Description​
Given two numbers M and N. The task is to find the position of the rightmost different bit in the binary representation of numbers. If both M and N are the same then return -1 in this case.
Example 1:
M = 11, N = 9
Binary representation of the given numbers are: 1011 and 1001, 2nd bit from right is different.
Example 2:
M = 52, N = 4
Binary representation of the given numbers are: 110100 and 0100, 5th-bit from right is different.
- M,N
Intuition and Approach​
This problem can be solved by using bitwise operations
- We will first XOR operation (^) between two integers, it will produce a result where each bit is set to 1 if the corresponding bits of m and n are different, and 0 if they are the same and then the result is stored in res variable
- If res is 0, it means that m and n are identical and therefore we return -1 to indicate that there is no differing bit.
- Now, To identify the position of the rightmost bit that is set to 1, the expression res & -res is used. This operation isolates the rightmost 1 bit in res. This works because -res is the two’s complement of res, which flips all bits of res and adds 1.
- Then we use math.log2(res & -res) which computes the base-2 logarithm of the isolated rightmost 1 bit and gives the zero-based index of the rightmost differing bit.
- Next we will add 1 converts this index to a one-based position and returned position.
Code in Python​
class Solution:
def posOfRightMostDiffBit(self,m,n):
res = m^n
if res==0: return -1
return math.log2(res & -res) + 1
Complexity Analysis​
- Time Complexity:
- Space Complexity: