Average Height of Buildings in Each Segment
This is a solution to the Average Height of Buildings in Each Segment problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Average Height of Buildings in Each Segment problem on LeetCode.
A solution to the problem of determining the count of distinct elements in every window of size k.
A solution to the problem of finding the count of pairs which sum up to target x
A solution to the problem of counting the number of zeros in the array
Design a simplified version of Twitter with basic functionalities using OOP principles.
This is a solution to the Detect Squares problem on LeetCode.
This document covers the implementation of a Queue data structure using a Linked List in various programming languages.
This document provides an implementation of a queue using stacks, supporting push, pop, peek, and empty operations.
This document provides solutions to the problem of implementing two stacks in a single array using various programming languages.
A solution to the problem of determining the index of the extra element in the array
A solution to the problem of determining the inorder successor of given element in BST
A solution to the problem of finding whether given binary number is divisible by 3 or not
A solution to the problem of finding all the nodes which are at a distance k from the root
This is a solution to the LRU Cache problem on GeeksForGeeks.
This is a solution to the Parties and Seats problem on GeeksForGeeks.
A solution to the problem of finding the unique characters in the given string
This document provides solutions for removing all nodes from a linked list that have a specific value.
This document provides solutions for the Remove Nodes from Linked List problem.
A solution to the problem of reversing a doubly linked list
A solution to the problem of finding the rightmost position of the bit which is different in both numbers
This is a solution to the Skip List Search problem.
This is a solution to the Stack Designer problem on GeeksForGeeks.
This is a solution to the Stock Spanner on LeetCode.