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Subtree Removal Game with Fibonacci Tree

Problem Description​

A Fibonacci tree is a binary tree created using the order function order(n):

  • order(0) is the empty tree.
  • order(1) is a binary tree with only one node.
  • order(n) is a binary tree that consists of a root node with the left subtree as order(n - 2) and the right subtree as order(n - 1).

Alice and Bob are playing a game with a Fibonacci tree with Alice starting first. On each turn, a player selects a node and removes that node and its subtree. The player that is forced to delete the root loses.

Given the integer n, return true if Alice wins the game or false if Bob wins, assuming both players play optimally.

A subtree of a binary tree tree is a tree that consists of a node in tree and all of this node's descendants. The tree tree could also be considered as a subtree of itself.


Example 1:

Input: `n = 3`
Output: `true`
Alice takes the node `1` in the right subtree.
Bob takes either the `1` in the left subtree or the `2` in the right subtree.
Alice takes whichever node Bob doesn't take.
Bob is forced to take the root node `3`, so Bob will lose.
Return `true` because Alice wins.

Example 2:

Input: `n = 1`
Output: `false`
Alice is forced to take the root node `1`, so Alice will lose.
Return `false` because Alice loses.

Example 3:

Input: `n = 2`
Output: `true`
Alice takes the node `1`.
Bob is forced to take the root node `2`, so Bob will lose.
Return `true` because Alice wins.


  • 1 <= n <= 100


The solution to this problem relies on game theory. We need to determine whether Alice can force a win by always making optimal moves.

The Fibonacci tree grows in a specific way, and we can use dynamic programming to determine the winner for any given n.

We can observe that:

  • For n = 1, Bob wins because Alice is forced to remove the root node.
  • For n = 2, Alice wins because she can remove the single node in the right subtree, forcing Bob to remove the root node.

This pattern can be extended. We'll use a dynamic programming array dp where dp[i] is true if Alice wins with a tree of order i, and false otherwise.

The recursion relies on two main observations:

  1. If dp[n-1] is false or dp[n-2] is false, then dp[n] should be true because Alice can force Bob into a losing position.
  2. Otherwise, dp[n] is false.


class Solution {
bool aliceWins(int n) {
// Initialize a dp array where dp[i] will be true if Alice wins with a tree of order i
vector<bool> dp(n + 1, false);

// Base cases
if (n >= 1) dp[1] = false; // Bob wins if there's only one node
if (n >= 2) dp[2] = true; // Alice wins if there are two nodes

// Fill the dp array based on the previous results
for (int i = 3; i <= n; ++i) {
dp[i] = !dp[i - 1] || !dp[i - 2];

// The result for the given n is stored in dp[n]
return dp[n];

// Example usage
int main() {
Solution solution;
// Test the function with examples
bool result1 = solution.aliceWins(3); // Expected output: true
bool result2 = solution.aliceWins(1); // Expected output: false
bool result3 = solution.aliceWins(2); // Expected output: true

// Print the results
printf("Result for n = 3: %s\n", result1 ? "true" : "false");
printf("Result for n = 1: %s\n", result2 ? "true" : "false");
printf("Result for n = 2: %s\n", result3 ? "true" : "false");

return 0;


def alice_wins(n: int) -> bool:
dp = [False] * (n + 1)
if n >= 1:
dp[1] = False # Base case: Bob wins if there's only one node
if n >= 2:
dp[2] = True # Base case: Alice wins if there are two nodes

for i in range(3, n + 1):
dp[i] = not dp[i - 1] or not dp[i - 2]

return dp[n]

# Test the function with examples
print(alice_wins(3)) # Output: true
print(alice_wins(1)) # Output: false
print(alice_wins(2)) # Output: true