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Longest Subsequence Repeated k Times

Problem Description​

You are given a string s of length n, and an integer k. You are tasked to find the longest subsequence repeated k times in string s.

A subsequence is a string that can be derived from another string by deleting some or no characters without changing the order of the remaining characters.

A subsequence seq is repeated k times in the string s if seq * k is a subsequence of s, where seq * k represents a string constructed by concatenating seq k times.

For example, "bba" is repeated 2 times in the string "bababcba", because the string "bbabba", constructed by concatenating "bba" 2 times, is a subsequence of the string "bababcba". Return the longest subsequence repeated k times in string s. If multiple such subsequences are found, return the lexicographically largest one. If there is no such subsequence, return an empty string.


Example 1: image

Input: s = "letsleetcode", k = 2
Output: "let"
Explanation: There are two longest subsequences repeated 2 times: "let" and "ete".
"let" is the lexicographically largest one.

Example 2:

Input: s = "bb", k = 2
Output: "b"
Explanation: The longest subsequence repeated 2 times is "b".


  • n == s.length
  • 2 <= n, k <= 2000
  • 2 <= n < k * 8
  • s consists of lowercase English letters.

Solution forLongest Subsequence Repeated k Times​


To solve this problem, the goal is to find the longest subsequence of s that can appear at least k times in s. This requires checking various subsequences and determining their repeatability. The challenge is to efficiently explore the possible subsequences and verify their validity.


The approach involves a Depth-First Search (DFS) combined with a helper function to verify if a subsequence can be repeated k times. Here's a step-by-step breakdown:

  1. DFS Traversal:

    • Use DFS to explore possible subsequences of s. Start with an empty subsequence and try to build it by adding characters from 'z' to 'a' (descending order helps in maximizing the subsequence length early).
    • For each character added, check if the new subsequence can be repeated k times in s.
  2. Check Repeatability:

    • Implement a helper function checkK(s, ans, k) to verify if the current subsequence ans can be repeated k times within s.
    • This function iterates through s, matching characters of ans and counting how many times the entire subsequence ans appears.
  3. Pruning:

    • If a subsequence ans cannot be repeated k times, prune that branch and do not explore further with this subsequence.
    • This reduces unnecessary computations and helps in focusing on potential valid subsequences.


Live Editor
function Solution(arr) {
        function checkK(s, ans, k) {
        let j = 0, m = ans.length;
        for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
            if (s[i] === ans[j]) j++;
            if (j === m) {
                if (k === 0) return true;
                j = 0;
        return k <= 0;

    function dfs(s, ans, k) {
        let val = 0;
        let r = "";
        for (let ch = 'z'; ch >= 'a'; ch = String.fromCharCode(ch.charCodeAt(0) - 1)) {
            if (checkK(s, ans + ch, k)) {
                ans += ch;
                let tmp = ch + dfs(s, ans, k);
                if (val < tmp.length) {
                    r = tmp;
                    val = tmp.length;
                ans = ans.slice(0, -1);
        return r;

    function longestSubsequenceRepeatedK(s, k) {
        let ans = "";
        return dfs(s, ans, k);

  const input = "letsleetcode"
  const k =2;
  const output =longestSubsequenceRepeatedK(input ,k)
  return (
        <b>Input: </b>
        <b>Output:</b> {output.toString()}

Complexity Analysis​

  • Time Complexity: O(nβˆ—28)O(n*2^8)
  • Space Complexity: O(n) O(n)

Code in Different Languages​

Written by @hiteshgahanolia
    checkK(s, ans, k) {
let j = 0, m = ans.length;
for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (s[i] === ans[j]) j++;
if (j === m) {
if (k === 0) return true;
j = 0;
return k <= 0;

dfs(s, ans, k) {
let val = 0;
let r = "";
for (let ch = 'z'; ch >= 'a'; ch = String.fromCharCode(ch.charCodeAt(0) - 1)) {
if (this.checkK(s, ans + ch, k)) {
ans += ch;
let tmp = ch + this.dfs(s, ans, k);
if (val < tmp.length) {
r = tmp;
val = tmp.length;
ans = ans.slice(0, -1);
return r;

longestSubsequenceRepeatedK(s, k) {
let ans = "";
return this.dfs(s, ans, k);
