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10 docs tagged with "computer_networks"

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Basic Network Devices

Understanding the functions of basic network devices such as routers, switches, hubs, modems, and access points is essential for designing and managing effective networks.

Common Network Protocols

Network protocols are the rules and conventions for communication between network devices. They ensure that data is transmitted accurately and efficiently across networks. This document covers some of the most common network protocols are HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, DNS, DHCP, and SMTP.

Computer Networks

Computer Networks is the practice of connecting computers and other devices to share resources and information. This section covers fundamental concepts, protocols, and technologies that form the backbone of network communication.

IP Addressing

An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique identifier assigned to each device connected to a network. It allows devices to locate and communicate with each other on the network.

Network Security

Network security is a critical aspect of information technology that ensures the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data as it is transmitted and received across networks

Network Topologies

A network topology is the arrangement of different elements (links, nodes, etc.) in a computer network.

The Internet and TCP/IP Model

The Internet is a global network of interconnected computers and other devices that communicate with each other using standardized protocols.The TCP/IP model (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is a conceptual framework used to understand and implement networking protocols in four layers.

The OSI Model

The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is a conceptual framework used to understand and implement network protocols in seven layers.

Types of Networks

Computer networks can be categorized based on their size, range, and structure. The most common types are listed in this section.

Wireless Networking

Wireless networking allows devices to connect and communicate without physical cables, using radio frequency signals.