Adding A CSS Reset
This tutorial will guide you on adding a CSS reset to your React project using PostCSS Normalize, which provides a solid foundation for consistent styling across different browsers.
To get started, follow these steps:
Step 1: Set up PostCSS Normalizeโ
1. Install the necessary dependencies by running the following command in your terminal:
npm install postcss-normalize
2. In your project's main CSS file (e.g., index.css
or App.css
), import PostCSS Normalize by adding the following line:
@import-normalize; /* Import normalize.css styles */
By including this line, you bring in the necessary CSS reset styles.
If you're using Visual Studio Code and encounter an "Unknown at rule @import-normalize css(unknownAtRules)" warning, you can change the css.lint.unknownAtRules
setting to ignore
in your editor preferences.
3. Feel free to add your custom styles below the @import-normalize
line. This is where you can customize the appearance of your React components.
Step 2: Customize Normalize.css (Optional)โ
PostCSS Normalize allows you to control which parts of normalize.css you want to include based on your project's specific requirements. The styles provided by normalize.css ensure consistent rendering across different browsers.
For example, when targeting older browsers like Internet Explorer 9, you may see the following styles added to your CSS:
* Add the correct display in IE 9-.
video {
display: inline-block;
* Remove the border on images inside links in IE 10-.
img {
border-style: none;
If you only need to support the last two versions of modern browsers, these additional styles will be omitted.
Browser Supportโ
PostCSS Normalize supports a wide range of browsers, ensuring your styles render consistently across different platforms. The supported browsers include:
- Chrome (last 3 versions)
- Edge (last 3 versions)
- Firefox (last 3 versions)
- Firefox ESR
- Opera (last 3 versions)
- Safari (last 3 versions)
- iOS Safari (last 2 versions)
- Internet Explorer 9 and above