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49 docs tagged with "React"

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Adding A CSS Modules Stylesheet

Learn how to add a CSS Modules stylesheet to your Create React App project. Use scoped styling and prevent naming clashes by automatically generating unique class names for your styles.

Adding A CSS Reset

Learn how to add a CSS reset to your Create React App project using PostCSS Normalize. Ensure consistent styling across different browsers by providing a solid foundation for your React components.

Adding a Router

Learn how to add routing capabilities to your React app using React Router, enabling dynamic, multi-page applications without full-page refreshes.

Adding A Sass Stylesheet

Learn how to add a Sass stylesheet to your Create React App project. Use the power of Sass to write cleaner and more maintainable styles for your React components.

Adding A Stylesheet

Learn how to add a stylesheet to your Create React App project. Style your components and make them visually appealing with CSS.

Adding Bootstrap

Learn how to integrate Bootstrap into your Create React App, unlocking the power of pre-designed components, responsive layouts, and enchanting styles.

Adding Custom Environment Variables

Learn how to add custom environment variables to your Create React App, empowering your app to configure differently based on the environment in which it runs.

Adding Flow

Learn how to add Flow, a static type checker, to your Create React App, empowering your code with type safety and bug prevention.

Adding Relay

Learn how to integrate Relay into your Create React App, enabling efficient data fetching and management from a GraphQL server in your React applications.

Adding TypeScript

Learn how to add TypeScript to your Create React App project. Enhance your code with type safety and unleash the power of TypeScript in your React applications.

Alternatives to Ejecting

Learn about alternatives to ejecting from Create React App and how to customize your project without ejecting.

Analyzing Bundle Size

Learn how to analyze the bundle size of your Create React App project using Source Map Explorer. Identify areas of your codebase that might be bloated and optimize them for better performance.

Available Scripts

Learn about the available scripts in a Create React App project. Use these scripts to start, test, build, and eject your app, as well as to run custom scripts.

Client side Frameworks of js

In this tutorial, we will learn about the best practices in JavaScript. We will learn about the coding standards, recommendations, conventions, rules, linting, ESLint, Prettier.

Code Splitting

Learn how to optimize your React application's performance by code splitting. Split your code into smaller chunks and load them only when needed, resulting in faster load times and improved user experiences.

Debugging Tests in Create React App

Learn how to debug tests in React applications using Chrome DevTools and Visual Studio Code. Uncover the mysteries of debugging and defeat the Bug Monsters in your test code!

Deployment in Create React App

Learn how to deploy your Create React App to the internet using Vercel. Follow the steps to optimize your app, choose a deployment platform, and deploy your app with Vercel.

Developing Components in Isolation

Learn how to develop and preview your React components in isolation from your main app using Storybook or React Styleguidist. Create a convenient way to work on components individually and view all their states.

Folder Structure

Learn how to organize your files and folders in a new React project. This structure will help you keep things tidy and make it easier to build and maintain your site.

Forms in React

Learn how to handle forms in React comprehensively with examples covering controlled components, uncontrolled components, textarea, select, file input, and more. This extensive guide covers theory, usage, features, examples, best practices, alternatives, and advanced techniques.

Getting Started with React

Learn how to get started with React by creating a new app using Create React App. Follow the steps to set up your development environment and build your first React application.

How to Load GraphQL Files in React

Learn how to load GraphQL files in a Create React App project. Use Apollo Client or GraphQL Code Generator to fetch data from your GraphQL server and simplify your React application development.

Importing Components in React

Learn how to import components in your React applications. Unleash the magic of component importation and integrate them into your app with ease!

Installing a Dependency

Learn how to install a dependency in your Create React App project. Unleash the power of enchanting packages and add new spells to your React app with the help of npm.

Post Processing CSS

Learn how to leverage post-processing CSS in Create React App to enhance your stylesheets and ensure cross-browser compatibility. Automatically add vendor prefixes, embrace new CSS features, and more.

Proxying API Requests in Development

Learn how to proxy API requests during development in a React app using Create React App, avoiding CORS issues and enabling seamless interaction with your backend server.

Running Tests in Create React App

Learn how to run tests in a Create React App project using Jest. Explore the basics of testing and discover the joy of catching bugs early!

Setting Up Your Editor

Learn how to set up your text editor for working with Create React App. Enhance your editing experience and maximize productivity with these tips.

Supported Browsers and Features

Learn about the supported browsers and advanced language features in the website project. Understand how to ensure broad browser compatibility and leverage modern JavaScript capabilities.

Title And Meta Tags

Learn how to handle title and meta tags in your Create React App for back-end integration, making your website more appealing and discoverable.


Learn how to troubleshoot common issues and errors in Create React App. This guide provides detailed solutions and tips to help you overcome problems and get back to coding with confidence!

Unleash the Magic of the Public Folder

Learn how to use the public folder in a Create React App project. Customize the HTML file and add assets directly to the public folder to enhance your React application.

Updating to New Releases

Learn how to update an existing Create React App project to a newer version of react-scripts. Keep your project up to date with the latest features and improvements.

Using Global Variables

Learn how to use global variables in your React applications. Unleash the magic of global variables and wield their power to share data across your entire app!

Using HTTPS in Development

Learn how to serve your Create React App over HTTPS in development. This is useful when you need to send requests to an API server that requires HTTPS, or when you want to test your site using a secure connection.

Welcome to React

Development and implementation the API of interaction of two sites