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5 docs tagged with "stylesheet"

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Adding A CSS Modules Stylesheet

Learn how to add a CSS Modules stylesheet to your Create React App project. Use scoped styling and prevent naming clashes by automatically generating unique class names for your styles.

Adding A CSS Reset

Learn how to add a CSS reset to your Create React App project using PostCSS Normalize. Ensure consistent styling across different browsers by providing a solid foundation for your React components.

Adding A Sass Stylesheet

Learn how to add a Sass stylesheet to your Create React App project. Use the power of Sass to write cleaner and more maintainable styles for your React components.

Adding A Stylesheet

Learn how to add a stylesheet to your Create React App project. Style your components and make them visually appealing with CSS.

Post Processing CSS

Learn how to leverage post-processing CSS in Create React App to enhance your stylesheets and ensure cross-browser compatibility. Automatically add vendor prefixes, embrace new CSS features, and more.