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Modules in JavaScript

In JavaScript, modules are a new feature introduced in ES6 (ES2015) that allows you to organize your code into reusable pieces. Modules are a way to split your code into separate files and import/export the parts you need.

In this tutorial, you will learn about modules in JavaScript with the help of examples.

Modules in JavaScript​

The syntax for importing and exporting modules in JavaScript is as follows:

// Exporting a variable
export const PI = 3.14159;

In the example above, we have three modules: module1.js, module2.js, and module3.js, each exporting a variable, a function, and a class, respectively. The app.js file imports these modules and uses the exported values.

Here's a breakdown of the example:

  1. module1.js exports a variable PI with the value 3.14159.
  2. module2.js exports a function add that takes two parameters and returns their sum.
  3. module3.js exports a class Person with a constructor that initializes the name and age properties and a greet method that returns a greeting message.
  4. app.js imports the exported values from the modules and uses them in the code.

When you run app.js, you will see the following output:

Hello, my name is John and I am 30 years old.

This is how you can use modules in JavaScript to organize your code into reusable pieces.

Default Exports​

In addition to named exports, you can also use default exports in JavaScript modules. A default export is a single value that is exported from a module and can be imported without using curly braces {}.

Here's an example of using default exports in JavaScript modules:

// Default export
const PI = 3.14159;

export default PI;

In this example, we have two modules: module1.js and module2.js, each exporting a single value using default exports. The app.js file imports these default exports without using curly braces {}.

When you run app.js, you will see the following output:


This is how you can use default exports in JavaScript modules.

Multiple Exports and Imports in a Single Statement​

You can also export and import multiple values in a single statement using the export and import keywords.

Here's an example of exporting and importing multiple values in a single statement:

// Exporting multiple values
export const PI = 3.14159;
export const E = 2.71828;

In this example, we have two modules: module1.js and module2.js, each exporting multiple values using the export keyword. The app.js file imports these multiple values in a single statement using the import keyword.

When you run app.js, you will see the following output:


This is how you can export and import multiple values in a single statement in JavaScript modules.

πŸ“ Note

You can also use the export * from 'module' syntax to re-export all named exports from another module. This can be useful when you want to aggregate exports from multiple modules into a single module.

For example:

// Exporting a variable
export const PI = 3.14159;

In this example, we have two modules module1.js and module2.js, each exporting a variable. The module.js file re-exports the named exports from module1.js and module2.js. The app.js file imports the re-exported values from module.js.

When you run app.js, you will see the following output:


This is how you can re-export named exports from other modules in JavaScript.


When using modules in JavaScript, you need to be aware of the module system you are using. Common module systems include CommonJS, AMD, and ES6 modules. ES6 modules are the standard module system in modern JavaScript applications.

If you are using a module in html file, you can use the type="module" attribute in the <script> tag to indicate that the script is a module.

For example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Module Example</title>
<script type="module" src="app.js"></script>
<!-- Your HTML content here -->

In this example, the type="module" attribute in the <script> tag indicates that the app.js script is a module.


Modules in JavaScript provide a way to organize your code into reusable pieces. You can export and import variables, functions, classes, and other values between modules to create a modular and maintainable codebase.