Account Balance After Rounded Purchase
This is a solution to the Account Balance After Rounded Purchase problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Account Balance After Rounded Purchase problem on LeetCode.
Given an integer num, repeatedly add all its digits until the result has only one digit, and return it.
This is a solution to the Add Strings problem on LeetCode.
Compute the number of possible pairs (x, y) of flowers that satisfy the game conditions for Alice and Bob.
Determine how many times an ant returns to the boundary after reading an array of non-zero integers and moving according to their values.
This is a solution to the Average Waiting Time problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to baseball game in leetcode
This is a solution to the build array from permutation in a string in leetcode
This is a solution to the Calculate Money in Leetcode Bank problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Complex Number Multiplication problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Count Good Meals problem on LeetCode.
The problem no. is 2180. The Problem is to Count Integers With Even Digit Sum
Given the number of teams in a tournament, calculate the number of matches played until a winner is decided.
The problem no. is 2169. The Problem is to count Operations to Obtain Zero.
This is the solution for create target array in given order in leetcode.
This is a solution to the Diagonal Traverse problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Distribute Elements Into Two Arrays I in leetcode
This is a solution to the Faulty Keyboard problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Final Value of Variable After Performing Operations problem on LeetCode.
Problem Description
Solution for finding the child who has the ball after K seconds.
Solution for finding the first player to win K games in a row.
This is a solution to the Find the N-th Value After K Seconds problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Find the Winner of the Circular Game problem on LeetCode.
Given an integer n, return a string array answer (1-indexed) where "FizzBuzz" if i is divisible by 3 and 5, "Fizz" if i is divisible by 3, "Buzz" if i is divisible by 5, i (as a string) if none of the above conditions are true.
This is a solution to the Fraction Addition and Subtraction problem on LeetCode.
The problem no. is 1351. The Problem is Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix.
This is a solution to the Last Moment Before All Ants Fall Out of a Plank problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Maximum Number of Eaten Apples problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Maximum Units on a Truck problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Minimum Operations to Make a Subsequence problem on LeetCode.
Solve the problem of finding the minimum time required for a word to revert to its initial state after performing specific operations.
Determine the number of times a user has to change the key when typing a given string.
Solution to Leetcode 2582. Pass the Pillow
This is a solution to Pour Water problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Queries on a Permutation With Key problem on LeetCode.
Given a signed 32-bit integer x, return x with its digits reversed. If reversing x causes the value to go outside the signed 32-bit integer range [-2^31, 2^31 - 1], then return 0.
This is a solution to the 2717.
This document provides a solution to the Spiral Matrix problem, where the goal is to traverse a matrix in spiral order.
Given a positive integer n, generate an n x n matrix filled with elements from 1 to n2 in spiral order.
This is a solution to the Sum of Last Leaves problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Teemo Attacking problem on LeetCode.
Problem Description
Implement a walking robot simulation on a grid where the robot moves forward, turns, and follows specific instructions.
This is a solution to the Water Bottles problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Ways to Split Array Into Three Subarrays problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Where Will the Ball Fall problem on LeetCode.