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GFG hard problems 0101-0200

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Problem NameDifficultySolution Link
Binary Tree to DLLHardView Solutions
LRU CacheHardView Solutions
Number of Turns in Binary TreeHardView Solutions
Minimum BST Sum SubtreeHardView Solutions
Partition the ArrayHardView Solutions
Shortest Path by Removing K wallsHardView Solutions
Scrambled StringHardView Solutions
Travelling Salesman ProblemHardView Solutions
Divide in Incremental GroupsHardView Solutions
Game Of SubsetsHardView Solutions
132 Geeky BuildingsHardView Solutions
Median of the SubarraysHardView Solutions
Maximum Number of coinsHardView Solutions
Fixing Two swapped nodes of a BSTHardView Solutions
Palindrome PairsHardView Solutions
Water Connection ProblemHardView Solutions
Shortest Path Using Atmost One Curved EdgeHardView Solutions
Number FormationHardView Solutions
Avoid ExplosionHardView Solutions
IPL 2021 - FinalHardView Solutions
Max min HeightHardView Solutions
Select NodesHardView Solutions
Count occurrences of a given word in a 2-d arrayHardView Solutions
Maximum Connected groupHardView Solutions
Minimum operations to convert array A to BHardView Solutions
Count the SubstringHardView Solutions
Reverse a sublist of a linked listHardView Solutions
Count Lucky PermutationsHardView Solutions
Burst BalloonsHardView Solutions
Shortest Unique prefix for every wordHardView Solutions
Assignment ProblemHardView Solutions
Minimum X (xor) AHardView Solutions
Convex HullHardView Solutions
Adventure in a MazeHardView Solutions
nCr mod M | Part 1HardView Solutions
Number of subsets with product less than kHardView Solutions
Count the number of subarraysHardView Solutions
Check Tree TraversalHardView Solutions
Longest Path in a matrixHardView Solutions
Bike RacingHardView Solutions
Word Break (Trie)HardView Solutions
Chocolates PickupHardView Solutions
Huffman DecodingHardView Solutions
Longest Zig-Zag Sub SequenceHardView Solutions
Optimal binary search treeHardView Solutions
Minimum time to fulfil all ordersHardView Solutions
Find the Maximum FlowHardView Solutions
Longest Palindromic Substring in Linear TimeHardView Solutions
Points in Straight LineHardView Solutions
Articulation Point - IIHardView Solutions
Interesting QueriesHardView Solutions
Number of distinct words with K maximum contiguous vowelsHardView Solutions
Longest substring to form a PalindromeHardView Solutions
Corona VaccineHardView Solutions
Kill Captain AmericaHardView Solutions
Geek in a MazeHardView Solutions
Longest Increasing Path in a MatrixHardView Solutions
Array PartitionHardView Solutions
Largest rectangle of 1s with swapping of columns allowedHardView Solutions
Remove Invalid ParenthesesHardView Solutions
Let's Play!!!HardView Solutions
Doctor StrangeHardView Solutions
Count Reverse PairsHardView Solutions
Minimum swap required to convert binary tree to binary search treeHardView Solutions
Secret CipherHardView Solutions
Maximum XOR subsetHardView Solutions
Longest Path in a Directed Acyclic GraphHardView Solutions
Minimum number to make median XHardView Solutions
Kth Smallest Number in Multiplication TableHardView Solutions
Nth digit of piHardView Solutions
Elixir of LifeHardView Solutions
All numbers with specific differenceHardView Solutions
Number of pairsHardView Solutions
Rearrange the arrayHardView Solutions
Shortest Range In BSTHardView Solutions
Search Query Auto CompleteHardView Solutions
Cut woodsHardView Solutions
Maximum number of overlapping IntervalsHardView Solutions
Create your own CalculatorHardView Solutions
Very Tough ProblemHardView Solutions
Minimum number of elementsHardView Solutions
Find minimum s-t cut in a flow networkHardView Solutions
LFU cacheHardView Solutions
Sid and his prime moneyHardView Solutions
Maximum difference between pair in a matrixHardView Solutions
The Palindrome PatternHardView Solutions
Find the patternHardView Solutions
Akku and ArraysHardView Solutions
Subset sums between the given rangeHardView Solutions
Partition a set into two subsets such that the difference of subset sums is minimum (Set-2)HardView Solutions
K Centers ProblemHardView Solutions
IPL 2021 - Match Day 6 - Semi FinalHardView Solutions
Maximum XOR With an Element From ArrayHardView Solutions
Next Optimal Move in Tic Tac ToeHardView Solutions
Hexadecimal to decimal counterHardView Solutions
Maximum Triple ProductHardView Solutions
Total Number Of Spanning Trees In A GraphHardView Solutions
Minimum travel timeHardView Solutions
Minimum Number Of SprinklerHardView Solutions
Joey doesn't share foodHardView Solutions
Greater or LessHardView Solutions
Minimum Cost to Merge StonesHardView Solutions

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