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GFG basic problems 0001-0100

Start Practicing:

Problem NameDifficultySolution Link
Binary SearchBasicView Solutions
Peak elementBasicView Solutions
Power of 2BasicView Solutions
Union of two arraysBasicView Solutions
Reverse a StringBasicView Solutions
Search an Element in an arrayBasicView Solutions
Check if two arrays are equal or notBasicView Solutions
Array Subset of another arrayBasicView Solutions
Reverse array in groupsBasicView Solutions
Cyclically rotate an array by oneBasicView Solutions
Find minimum and maximum element in an arrayBasicView Solutions
Prime NumberBasicView Solutions
Largest Element in ArrayBasicView Solutions
Print first n Fibonacci NumbersBasicView Solutions
Searching an element in a sorted arrayBasicView Solutions
Linked List InsertionBasicView Solutions
Minimum element in BSTBasicView Solutions
Immediate Smaller ElementBasicView Solutions
Implement strstrBasicView Solutions
Implement stack using arrayBasicView Solutions
Count nodes of linked listBasicView Solutions
Preorder TraversalBasicView Solutions
Check If Circular Linked ListBasicView Solutions
Inorder TraversalBasicView Solutions
Implement Queue using arrayBasicView Solutions
Count SquaresBasicView Solutions
Print Linked List elementsBasicView Solutions
Implement Stack using Linked ListBasicView Solutions
FactorialBasicView Solutions
Identical Linked ListsBasicView Solutions
Searching a numberBasicView Solutions
Sort The ArrayBasicView Solutions
Postorder TraversalBasicView Solutions
LCM And GCDBasicView Solutions
Rotating an ArrayBasicView Solutions
Binary Array SortingBasicView Solutions
Count Leaves in Binary TreeBasicView Solutions
Third largest elementBasicView Solutions
Insert in Middle of Linked ListBasicView Solutions
Maximum Occuring CharacterBasicView Solutions
Count Odd EvenBasicView Solutions
Implement Queue using Linked ListBasicView Solutions
Max MinBasicView Solutions
Bit DifferenceBasicView Solutions
Find the smallest and second smallest element in an arrayBasicView Solutions
C++ Hello WorldBasicView Solutions
Last index of OneBasicView Solutions
Missing numberBasicView Solutions
Closest NumberBasicView Solutions
Node at a given index in linked listBasicView Solutions
Uncommon charactersBasicView Solutions
Search a node in BSTBasicView Solutions
Product of array elementsBasicView Solutions
Remove Consecutive CharactersBasicView Solutions
Middle of ThreeBasicView Solutions
Replace all 0's with 5BasicView Solutions
Doubly linked list Insertion at given positionBasicView Solutions
Repeated CharacterBasicView Solutions
Exceptionally oddBasicView Solutions
Sum of first n termsBasicView Solutions
Binary StringBasicView Solutions
Linked List Length Even or Odd?BasicView Solutions
Find position of set bitBasicView Solutions
Remove common characters and concatenateBasicView Solutions
Pattern 1BasicView Solutions
Anagram of StringBasicView Solutions
Number is sparse or notBasicView Solutions
Delete Alternate NodesBasicView Solutions
Ishaan Loves ChocolatesBasicView Solutions
Binary number to decimal numberBasicView Solutions
Check if a string is Isogram or notBasicView Solutions
Size of Binary TreeBasicView Solutions
Elements in the RangeBasicView Solutions
Game with nosBasicView Solutions
Sum of numbers in stringBasicView Solutions
Start CodingBasicView Solutions
Angle between hour and minute handBasicView Solutions
Sorted matrixBasicView Solutions
Check for subsequenceBasicView Solutions
Multiply left and right array sum.BasicView Solutions
Leap YearBasicView Solutions
Find n/k th node in Linked listBasicView Solutions
First and last occurrences of XBasicView Solutions
Maximum moneyBasicView Solutions
Pattern 5BasicView Solutions
Balanced ArrayBasicView Solutions
Product of maximum in first array and minimum in secondBasicView Solutions
Find the fineBasicView Solutions
Ways To Tile A FloorBasicView Solutions
Index of first 1 in a sorted array of 0s and 1sBasicView Solutions
Remove characterBasicView Solutions
Print first letter of every word in the stringBasicView Solutions
Replace all 0's with 5BasicView Solutions
Pattern 6BasicView Solutions
Set kth bitBasicView Solutions
GCD of ArrayBasicView Solutions
Greater on right sideBasicView Solutions
Fighting the darknessBasicView Solutions
Pattern 10BasicView Solutions
Find all factorial numbers less than or equal to NBasicView Solutions

Now, you can see the list of problems in a table format. You can click on the problem link to view the problem on the LeetCode website. You can also click on the solution link to view the solution of the problem.