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GFG basic problems 0201-0300

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Problem NameDifficultySolution Link
Minimize string valueBasicView Solutions
Sum of product of x and y with floor(n/x) = yBasicView Solutions
Form largest number from digitsBasicView Solutions
Pairs of prime numberBasicView Solutions
Find N-th term in the seriesBasicView Solutions
Pattern JumpingBasicView Solutions
Java Operators(Arithmetic) | Set 1BasicView Solutions
Length of Last wordBasicView Solutions
Sum Array PuzzleBasicView Solutions
Find the Number which contain the digit dBasicView Solutions
The problem of identical arraysBasicView Solutions
Longest increasing subarrayBasicView Solutions
Check Arithmetic ProgressionBasicView Solutions
Three distinct factorsBasicView Solutions
Difference seriesBasicView Solutions
Mega SaleBasicView Solutions
Substrings with same first and last charactersBasicView Solutions
Doctors ClinicBasicView Solutions
Count number of elements between two given elements in arrayBasicView Solutions
C++ Call by referenceBasicView Solutions
Fibonacci to NBasicView Solutions
Maximum triplet sum in arrayBasicView Solutions
C++ STL | Set 5 (queue)BasicView Solutions
Check perfect squareBasicView Solutions
Sorting EmployeesBasicView Solutions
Check if divisible by 11BasicView Solutions
Triplet FamilyBasicView Solutions
Check if a number can be expressed as x^yBasicView Solutions
String ReversalBasicView Solutions
Check if given four points form a squareBasicView Solutions
C++ STL | Set 3 (map)BasicView Solutions
The Lazy Caterer's ProblemBasicView Solutions
Perfect Squares in a RangeBasicView Solutions
Snake CaseBasicView Solutions
Digits in a setBasicView Solutions
Map OperationsBasicView Solutions
Minimum product pairBasicView Solutions
Jay's ApplesBasicView Solutions
Difference between highest and lowest occurrenceBasicView Solutions
Rock Paper Scissors!BasicView Solutions
Replace the BitBasicView Solutions
Change all even bits in a number to 0BasicView Solutions
Message SpreadingBasicView Solutions
Make a Distinct Digit ArrayBasicView Solutions
Mind GameBasicView Solutions
Smallest number repeating K timesBasicView Solutions
Last duplicate element in a sorted arrayBasicView Solutions
Java Collection | Set 1 (ArrayList) Part-1BasicView Solutions
Binary Shift to DivideBasicView Solutions
Check perfect squareBasicView Solutions
Set OperationsBasicView Solutions
C++ | A Speed BreakerBasicView Solutions
Strong NumbersBasicView Solutions
The amazing numberBasicView Solutions
Sum of distinct elements for a limited rangeBasicView Solutions
Strong NumbersBasicView Solutions
Sort the Half SortedBasicView Solutions
Print K smallest elements in their original orderBasicView Solutions
Average Count ArrayBasicView Solutions
Merge and SortBasicView Solutions
Rearranging arrayBasicView Solutions
Confused pappuBasicView Solutions
Duck NumberBasicView Solutions
Anagram StringsBasicView Solutions
Compare two Large NumbersBasicView Solutions
Regex - PythonBasicView Solutions
Reverse a string with spaces intactBasicView Solutions
Sum of Digits DivisibilityBasicView Solutions
Smallest power of 2 greater than or equal to nBasicView Solutions
Maximum AreaBasicView Solutions
Shortest un-ordered subarrayBasicView Solutions
Parties and seatsBasicView Solutions
Reducing WallsBasicView Solutions
Count Sorted RowsBasicView Solutions
Missing number in shuffled arrayBasicView Solutions
Krishnamurthy numberBasicView Solutions
Area of a triangleBasicView Solutions
Celsius to Fahrenheit ConversionBasicView Solutions
Largest productBasicView Solutions
Good StringBasicView Solutions
C++ Inheritance introductionBasicView Solutions
Same frequency in two halvesBasicView Solutions
Shortest directionBasicView Solutions
Count numbers divisible by MBasicView Solutions
Check an Integer is power of 3 or notBasicView Solutions
Series X1BasicView Solutions
The Spider StepsBasicView Solutions
Minimize sum of alternate productBasicView Solutions
Factors SumBasicView Solutions
Finger GameBasicView Solutions
Sum of fifth powers of the first n natural numbersBasicView Solutions
C++ Classes IntroductionBasicView Solutions
Fake ProfileBasicView Solutions
XOR of all elementsBasicView Solutions
Product SumBasicView Solutions
Magical String[Duplicate Problem]BasicView Solutions
HashMap OperationsBasicView Solutions
Student recordBasicView Solutions
Making elements distinctBasicView Solutions
Maximum Integer Value BasicView Solutions

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