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Teemo Attacking

Problem Description​

Our hero Teemo is attacking an enemy Ashe with poison attacks! When Teemo attacks Ashe, Ashe gets poisoned for a exactly duration seconds. More formally, an attack at second t will mean Ashe is poisoned during the inclusive time interval [t, t + duration - 1]. If Teemo attacks again before the poison effect ends, the timer for it is reset, and the poison effect will end duration seconds after the new attack.

You are given a non-decreasing integer array timeSeries, where timeSeries[i] denotes that Teemo attacks Ashe at second timeSeries[i], and an integer duration.

Return the total number of seconds that Ashe is poisoned.


Example 1:

Input: timeSeries = [1,4], duration = 2
Output: 4
Explanation: Teemo's attacks on Ashe go as follows:
- At second 1, Teemo attacks, and Ashe is poisoned for seconds 1 and 2.
- At second 4, Teemo attacks, and Ashe is poisoned for seconds 4 and 5.
Ashe is poisoned for seconds 1, 2, 4, and 5, which is 4 seconds in total.

Example 2:

Input: timeSeries = [1,2], duration = 2
Output: 3
Explanation: Teemo's attacks on Ashe go as follows:
- At second 1, Teemo attacks, and Ashe is poisoned for seconds 1 and 2.
- At second 2 however, Teemo attacks again and resets the poison timer. Ashe is poisoned for seconds 2 and 3.
Ashe is poisoned for seconds 1, 2, and 3, which is 3 seconds in total.


  • 1<=timeSeries.length<=1041 <= timeSeries.length <= 10^4
  • 0<=timeSeries[i],duration<=1070 <= timeSeries[i], duration <= 10^7
  • timeSeries is sorted in non-decreasing order.

Solution for Teemo Attacking​

Approach 1: One pass​


The problem is an example of merge interval questions which are now quite popular in Google.

Typically such problems could be solved in a linear time in the case of sorted input, and in O(Nlog⁑N) time otherwise.

Here one deals with a sorted input, and the problem could be solved in one pass with a constant space. The idea is straightforward: consider only the interval between two attacks. Ashe spends in a poisoned condition the whole time interval if this interval is shorter than the poisoning time duration duration, and duration otherwise.


  • Initiate total time in poisoned condition total = 0.

  • Iterate over timeSeries list. At each step add to the total time the minimum between interval length and the poisoning time duration duration.

  • Return total + duration to take the last attack into account.


Code in Different Languages​

Written by @Shreyash3087
class Solution {
int findPoisonedDuration(std::vector<int>& timeSeries, int duration) {
int n = timeSeries.size();
if (n == 0) return 0;

int total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i)
total += std::min(timeSeries[i + 1] - timeSeries[i], duration);
return total + duration;

Complexity Analysis​

Time Complexity: O(N)O(N)​

Reason: where N is the length of the input list since we iterate the entire list.

Space Complexity: O(1)O(1)​

Reason: it's a constant space solution.


