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Data Structures and Algorithms

Data Structures and Algorithms are the building blocks of computer science. They are the tools you'll use to build software systems. This section is a collection of resources to help you understand and master Data Structures and Algorithms.

If you're new to Data Structures and Algorithms, start with the Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms guide.

I'd be glad to create a comprehensive response for your Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) roadmap, incorporating the best aspects of previous suggestions and addressing potential shortcomings:

Data Structures​

Data Structures are the fundamental building blocks used to organize and store data efficiently. Here are some common data structures you should be familiar with:

  • Array: A collection of elements of the same type stored in contiguous memory locations.
  • String: A sequence of characters.
  • Linked List: A linear data structure where elements are not stored in contiguous memory locations.
  • Stack: A linear data structure that follows the Last In First Out (LIFO) principle.
  • Queue: A linear data structure that follows the First In First Out (FIFO) principle.
  • Tree: A non-linear data structure used to store data hierarchically.
  • Graph: A non-linear data structure consisting of vertices and edges.
  • Hashing: A technique used to uniquely identify objects.
  • Heap: A complete binary tree that satisfies the heap property.
  • Trie: A tree-like data structure used to store a dynamic set of strings.


Algorithms are step-by-step procedures used to solve problems or perform computations. Here are some common algorithms you should be familiar with:

  • Sorting: Arranging elements in a specific order.
  • Searching: Finding a specific element in a collection of elements.
  • Recursion: A technique where a function calls itself to solve a smaller instance of the same problem.
  • Dynamic Programming: Solving problems by breaking them down into smaller subproblems.
  • Greedy Algorithms: Making locally optimal choices at each step.
  • Divide and Conquer: Solving problems by breaking them down into smaller subproblems.
  • Brute Force: Solving problems by trying all possible solutions.
  • Bit Manipulation: Algorithmically manipulating bits or binary digits.
  • Graph Algorithms: Solving problems on graphs.
  • String Matching: Finding a substring within a string.


When it comes to learning Data Structures and Algorithms, there are numerous resources available, including books, courses, websites, blogs, YouTube channels, podcasts, Interview Preparation, Competitive Programming, Practice Problems, Mock Interviews, Interview Experiences, Interview Questions, Interview Tips, Interview Cheat Sheets and Interview Preparation Misc.

Here are some of the most popular and highly recommended resources for mastering DSA:


Book TitleDescriptionLink (if available)
Introduction to Algorithms (Cormen et al.)The classic, in-depth guide to algorithms, covering a wide range of topics and
Grokking Algorithms (Bhargava)A more approachable introduction with clear explanations and
Cracking the Coding Interview (Gallott)A practical guide geared towards interview preparation, with problem-solving strategies and
Elements of Programming Interviews in Python/Java/C++ (Langdon)Language-specific resources that delve into commonly asked interview questions and


PlatformCourse TitleDescriptionLink (if available)
CourseraAlgorithms, Part 1 & 2 (Stanford University)A well-structured series by Stanford professors, covering fundamental algorithms and data
edXIntroduction to Algorithms (MIT)Another excellent series from MIT, offering a comprehensive exploration of algorithms and
UdacityNanodegree Programs (Various)Comprehensive programs focused on specific aspects of DSA, like data structures and algorithms or interview
UdemyVarious DSA CoursesA vast selection of courses from different instructors, catering to beginner, intermediate, and advanced


GeeksforGeeksA popular resource with tutorials, practice problems, interview preparation materials, and competitive programming
LeetCodeA platform with a large collection of coding problems, categorized by difficulty level, company tags, and problem
HackerRankSimilar to LeetCode, HackerRank provides coding challenges, practice problems, and interview preparation
ProgramizA website offering clear explanations, visualizations, and interactive coding exercises for various DSA
Code ChefSimilar to LeetCode, HackerRank provides coding challenges, weekly contests, practice problems, and interview preparation


BlogDescriptionLink (if available)
InterviewCakeArticles and videos focused on interview preparation, problem-solving strategies, and common DSA
AlgoExpertA blog with in-depth articles on algorithms, data structures, and system design, along with video
Back to Back SWEA blog by a former Facebook engineer, offering insights into the tech interview process and practical DSA
MIT OpenCoursewareAccess written materials from MIT's renowned algorithms courses, including problem sets and
Take u ForwardTake u forward organization provides all materials for the DSA topics with clear explanation and example code in three languages C++,Python and

YouTube Channels​

ChannelDescriptionLink (if available)
freeCodeCamp.orgOffers tutorials, problem-solving walkthroughs, and interview preparation advice on DSA
The Coding TrainCreates engaging and creative videos that explain data structures and algorithms in a visually appealing
Computer Science DojoAnother channel with clear explanations and helpful visualizations for core DSA
take U forwardOne more channel with clear explanations and helpful visualizations for core DSA
CodeWithHarryOne more channel with clear explanations and helpful visualizations for core DSA concepts and with teach varies technologies as
Apna CollegeOne more channel with clear explanations and helpful visualizations for core DSA concepts and with teach varies technologies as


PodcastDescriptionLink (if available)
Software Engineering DailyInterviews with software engineers, often covering DSA topics and interview
Coding BlocksA podcast geared towards Indian students, offering guidance on technical interviews and DSA

Interview Preparation​

ResourceDescriptionLink (if available)
PrampA platform for conducting mock interviews with other programmers, providing valuable
ExponentConnects you with experienced software engineers for mock interviews and personalized
Interviewing.ioSimilar to Exponent, allows you to connect with experienced engineers for mock
BlindAn anonymous forum where users share interview experiences and insights from various companies.N/A

Competitive Programming​

PlatformDescriptionLink (if available)
LeetCode ContestsRegularly held coding challenges on LeetCode, promoting problem-solving skills and competitive spirit.
HackerRank ContestsSimilar to LeetCode Contests, HackerRank offers regular challenges for competitive programmers.
CodeforcesA popular platform for competitive programming with contests, problems, and tutorials.
TopcoderAnother platform hosting coding challenges, marathons, and tutorials for competitive programmers.
Codechef ContestsRegularly held coding challenges on Codechef, promoting problem-solving skills and competitive spirit.
Coding NinjasRegularly held coding challenges on Coding ninjas, promoting problem-solving skills and competitive spirit.

Practice Problems​

PlatformDescriptionLink (if available)
(See Websites section)Websites like GeeksforGeeks, LeetCode, and HackerRank offer a vast collection of practice problems with varying difficulty levels.GFG, LeetCode, HackerRank, W3Schools,codechef, Programiz
Project EulerA website with a series of challenging mathematical and computational
HackerRank 100 Days of CodeA structured challenge from HackerRank with daily programming exercises, including DSA
Take u Forward A2Z sheetA structured challenge from take u forward organization with programming exercises, including DSA problems.Strivers A2Z DSA Course/Sheet
Coding NinjasRegularly held coding challenges on coding ninjas, promoting problem-solving skills and competitive spirit.
Love babbarIt is the combination of lectures notes, codes of the playlisst depolyed in the github written in C++ language(cpp)

Mock Interviews​

ResourceDescription (mentioned previously)Link (if available)
PrampConnect with other programmers for mock
ExponentGet mock interviews and feedback from experienced engineers.N/A
Interviewing.ioConduct mock interviews with experienced

Interview Experiences​

PlatformDescription (mentioned previously)Link (if available)
BlindShare and read interview experiences from various companies.N/A
LeetCode DiscussThe LeetCode discussion forum often includes threads where users share interview
GlassdoorRead interview reviews and experiences for various

Interview Questions​

PlatformDescription (mentioned previously)Link (if available)
(See Websites section)Websites like GeeksforGeeks, LeetCode, and HackerRank provide categorized interview questions.GFG, LeetCode,codechef, HackerRank, W3Schools, Programiz
Interview CakeArticles and tutorials focusing on common interview questions and problem-solving
AlgoExpertOffers in-depth explanations of frequently asked interview

Interview Tips​

ResourceDescriptionLink (if available)
Interview CakeArticles with practical tips on communication, problem-solving, and approaching technical
PrampMock interviews provide valuable experience in handling interview pressure and
ExponentFeedback from experienced engineers can help identify areas for improvement in your interview approach.N/A
Interviewing.ioMock interviews allow you to practice your communication skills and technical problem-solving under interview-like
Blogs (mentioned previously)Blogs like InterviewCake and Back to Back SWE offer valuable advice on interview preparation and communication.N/A

Interview Cheat Sheets​

ResourceDescriptionLink (if available)
Tech Interview HandbookA comprehensive online guide with cheat sheets for various DSA topics, big O notation, and system
AlgoExpertCheat sheets summarizing key concepts and problem-solving approaches for common interview
LeetCode Cheat SheetA community-created cheat sheet with summaries of various DSA concepts and

Interview Preparation Misc​

ResourceDescriptionLink (if available)
LeetCode Blind QuestionsA curated list of interview questions frequently asked at top tech companies, based on user reports on Blind.
System Design InterviewA website dedicated to system design interview preparation, offering resources and practice problems.N/A
Educative.ioOffers interactive courses and practice problems for DSA, system design, and interview preparation.

Remember, this roadmap is a starting point. Tailor it to your specific learning style, goals, and the types of roles you're targeting. Be consistent in your practice, and don't hesitate to seek help from online communities or mentors when needed.

Good luck on your journey to mastering Data Structures and Algorithms!