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Reduce Function in Python


The reduce() function is part of the functools module and is used to apply a binary function (a function that takes two arguments) cumulatively to the items of an iterable (e.g., a list, tuple, or string). It reduces the iterable to a single value by successively combining elements.


from functools import reduce
reduce(function, iterable, initial=None)

function : The binary function to apply. It takes two arguments and returns a single value.
iterable : The sequence of elements to process.
initial (optional): An initial value. If provided, the function is applied to the initial value and the first element of the iterable. Otherwise, the first two elements are used as the initial values.


  • Intially , first two elements of iterable are picked and the result is obtained.
  • Next step is to apply the same function to the previously attained result and the number just succeeding the second element and the result is again stored.
  • This process continues till no more elements are left in the container.
  • The final returned result is returned and printed on console.


Example 1:

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 10]
total = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, numbers)
print(total) # Output: 20

Example 2:

numbers = [11, 7, 8, 20, 1]
max_value = reduce(lambda x, y: x if x > y else y, numbers)
print(max_value) # Output: 20

Example 3:

# Importing reduce function from functools  
from functools import reduce

# Creating a list
my_list = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

# Calculating the product of the numbers in my_list
# using reduce and lambda functions together
product = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, my_list)

# Printing output
print(f"Product = {product}") # Output : Product = 12000000

Difference Between reduce() and accumulate():​

  • Behavior:

    • reduce() stores intermediate results and only returns the final summation value.
    • accumulate() returns an iterator containing all intermediate results. The last value in the iterator is the summation value of the list.
  • Use Cases:

    • Use reduce() when you need a single result (e.g., total sum, product) from the iterable.
    • Use accumulate() when you want to access intermediate results during the reduction process.
  • Initial Value:

    • reduce() allows an optional initial value.
    • accumulate() also accepts an optional initial value since Python 3.8.
  • Order of Arguments:

    • reduce() takes the function first, followed by the iterable.
    • accumulate() takes the iterable first, followed by the function.


Python's Reduce function enables us to apply reduction operations to iterables using lambda and call able functions. A function called reduce() reduces the elements of an iterable to a single cumulative value. The reduce function in Python solves various straightforward issues, including adding and multiplying iterables of numbers.