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Create a GitHub account

To get started with GitHub, you need to create a GitHub account. If you already have a GitHub account, you can skip this step.

To get started with GitHub, you need to create a GitHub account. If you already have a GitHub account, you can skip this step.

  1. Go to GitHub and click on the "Sign up" button.

    GitHub Sign Up

  2. Enter your email address, choose a username, and create a password.

    Create Account

  3. Click on the "Create account" button.

  4. Verify your email address.

    You will receive an email from GitHub with a link to verify your email address. Click on the link to verify your email address.

    Verify Email

  5. Congratulations! You now have a GitHub account.

    GitHub account

Now that you have created a GitHub account, you can start using GitHub to collaborate with others, contribute to open-source projects, and build your portfolio.