1-bit and 2-bit Characters
This is a solution to the 1-bit and 2-bit Characters problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the 1-bit and 2-bit Characters problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the 1567. Maximum Length of Subarray With Positive Product problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the 846. Hand of Straights.
Calculate the minimum number of boxes needed to redistribute packs of apples into boxes.
This is a solution to the Assign Cookies problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Candy problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to Check if it is Possible to Split Array on LeetCode.
Given n non-negative integers representing the heights of vertical lines, find the two lines that together with the x-axis form a container, such that the container contains the most water.
This is a solution to count the pairs whose sum is less than target on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Course Schedule III problem on LeetCode.
Problem Description
This is a solution to the Disconnect Path in a Binary Matrix by at Most One Flip problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Remove Stones to Minimize the Total problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Frequency of the Most Frequent Element problem on LeetCode.
This document provides solutions for the Grumpy Bookstore Owner problem on LeetCode.
You are given an integer array nums. You are initially positioned at the array's first index, and each element in the array represents your maximum jump length at that position.
You are given a 0-indexed array of integers nums of length `n`. Return the minimum number of jumps to reach `nums[n - 1]`.
Solution to Leetcode 2600. K Items With the Maximum Sum
This document provides solutions for the Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies problem.
Given a list of non-negative integers nums, arrange them such that they form the largest number and return it.
Problem Description
This is a solution to the Lexicographically Minimum String After Removing Stars problem on LeetCode.
This document provides a solution where we Return a string denoting the lexicographically smallest string t
This is a solution to the Longest Happy String problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Longest Subsequence Repeated k Times problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Longest Unequal Adjacent Groups Subsequence I problem on LeetCode.
Given an array of happiness values, return the maximum sum of happiness values by selecting k children.
This is a solution to the Maximize Sum After K Negations problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Maximize Win From Two Segments problem on LeetCode.
Problem Description
This is a solution to the Maximum Binary String After Change problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Maximum Difference Between Increasing Elements problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Maximum Earnings From Taxi problem on LeetCode.
This document provides a solution where we Return an integer denoting the maximum number of groups you can create while satisfying these conditions.
This is a solution to the Maximum Number of Integers to Choose From a Range II problem on LeetCode.
Find the maximum number of operations with the same score that can be performed on an array of integers.
Find the maximum number of operations with the same score on an array of integers using specific deletion operations.
The given Solution class uses a greedy approach to maximize the number of potholes repaired within the given budget by prioritizing the repair of larger contiguous pothole segments first.
Determine the maximum number of palindromes that can be formed from an array of strings after performing some operations.
This is a solution to the Maximum Size of a Set After Removals problem on LeetCode.
Solution to Leetcode 2616. Minimize the Maximum Difference of Pairs
This is a solution to the Minimum Adjacent Swaps for K Consecutive Ones problem on LeetCode.
This document provides a solution where we Return the minimum cost required to make all elements in the array equal.
Solve the problem of finding the minimum number of elements to add to an array to make the sum equal to a given goal while maintaining the property that absolute value of elements does not exceed a specified limit.
Determine the minimum number of levels Alice should play to gain more points than Bob, given that some levels are impossible to clear.
find the minimum number of jumps required to reach the end of an array, given that each element represents the maximum length of the jump that can be made from that position.
This document provides a solution for the Minimum Number of K Consecutive Bit Flips problem.
This is a solution to theMinimum Number of Moves to Seat Everyone problem on LeetCode.
Find the minimum number of pushes needed to type a string word after remapping keys on a telephone keypad.
Solution to Leetcode 2617. Minimum Number of Visited Cells in a Grid
This document provides solutions for the Minimum Operations to Make Binary Array Elements Equal to One II problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Minimum Suffix Flips problem on LeetCode.
This document provides a solution of Minimum-cost-walk-in-weighted-graph
This document provides a solution of Minimum-operation-to-make-median-of-array-equal-to-k
This document provides a solution of minimum-rectangle-to-cover-point
This document provides solutions for the Patching Array problem.
This is a solution to the Put Marbles in Bags problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Rearranging Fruits problem on LeetCode.
Solve the problem of determining whether an array can be made strictly increasing by removing exactly one element.
This is a solution to the Remove Stones to Minimize the Total problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Replace All ?'s to Avoid Consecutive Repeating Characters problem on LeetCode.
This document provides solutions for the Score After Flipping Matrix problem.
This is a solution to the Smallest Range II problem on LeetCode.
Solution to Leetcode 1221. Split a String in Balanced Strings
This is a solution to the Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to split-concatenated-strings problem on LeetCode.
Determine if it's possible to split an array into two parts with distinct elements.
This is a solution to the String Without AAA or BBB problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Strong Password Checker problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Task Scheduler problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Teemo Attacking problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Water Bottles problem on LeetCode.
This is a solution to the Wiggle Sort II problem on LeetCode.