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Faulty Keyboard

Problem Description​

Your laptop keyboard is faulty, and whenever you type a character 'i' on it, it reverses the string that you have written. Typing other characters works as expected.

You are given a 0-indexed string s, and you type each character of s using your faulty keyboard.

Return the final string that will be present on your laptop screen.


Example 1:

Input: s = "string"
Output: "rtsng"
After typing first character, the text on the screen is "s".
After the second character, the text is "st".
After the third character, the text is "str".
Since the fourth character is an 'i', the text gets reversed and becomes "rts".
After the fifth character, the text is "rtsn".
After the sixth character, the text is "rtsng".
Therefore, we return "rtsng".

Example 2:

Input: s = "poiinter"
Output: "ponter"
After the first character, the text on the screen is "p".
After the second character, the text is "po".
Since the third character you type is an 'i', the text gets reversed and becomes "op".
Since the fourth character you type is an 'i', the text gets reversed and becomes "po".
After the fifth character, the text is "pon".
After the sixth character, the text is "pont".
After the seventh character, the text is "ponte".
After the eighth character, the text is "ponter".
Therefore, we return "ponter".


  • 1 <= s.length <= 100
  • s[0] != 'i'

Solution for 1713. Faulty Keyboard​


The provided C++ code iterates through each character of the input string, reversing the accumulated result string if the current character is 'i', or appending the character otherwise.


  1. Initialization: The method starts by obtaining the size of the input string s and initializing an empty string res to accumulate the result.
  2. Iteration: It iterates through each character of s using a for-loop.
  3. Condition Check: Inside the loop, it checks if the current character is 'i'.
  4. If true, it reverses the res string using the reverse function from the Standard Template Library (STL), which directly manipulates the string in place.
  5. If false, it appends the current character to res.
  6. Return: After completing the iteration through all characters of s, it returns the modified res string.

Code in Different Languages​

Written by @agarwalhimanshugaya
          class Solution:
def finalString(self, s: str) -> str:
res = ""
for char in s:
if char == 'i':
res = res[::-1]
res += char
return res

Complexity Analysis​

  • Time Complexity: O(Nβˆ—N)O(N*N)
  • Space Complexity: O(N) O(N)
