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Beam Search Algorithm

Beam Search is a heuristic search algorithm commonly used in the context of sequence-to-sequence models in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and other AI applications. It explores multiple paths simultaneously, aiming to find the optimal sequence based on a scoring function.


Beam Search is an extension of Breadth-First Search (BFS) and Depth-First Search (DFS) algorithms, designed to handle sequences where the number of possible combinations is too large to explore exhaustively.

How Beam Search Works​

  1. Initialization: Start with an initial sequence or state.
  2. Expansion: Generate multiple successors (or next states) from the current set of sequences.
  3. Scoring: Rank or score each successor based on a predefined scoring function.
  4. Pruning: Keep only the top-scoring successors (typically a fixed number known as the beam width).
  5. Repeat: Repeat steps 2-4 for each successor until a termination condition is met (e.g., reaching a maximum sequence length or finding a terminal state).

Key Concepts​

  • Beam Width: The number of top candidates (sequences) to keep at each step.
  • Scoring Function: Determines how successors are evaluated and ranked.
  • Termination Condition: Criteria to stop the search, such as reaching a maximum length or achieving a desired score.


  • Efficiency: Reduces computational cost compared to exhaustive search methods.
  • Flexibility: Can handle variable-length sequences and large search spaces.
  • Parallelism: Easily parallelizable due to independent scoring of successors.

Implementation Example​


def beam_search(initial_state, beam_width, max_length):
sequences = [[initial_state]]
for _ in range(max_length):
next_sequences = []
for sequence in sequences:
successors = generate_successors(sequence)
scored_successors = score(successors)
top_successors = select_top(scored_successors, beam_width)
sequences = next_sequences
return sequences

# Example usage
initial_state = "start"
beam_width = 3
max_length = 5
result = beam_search(initial_state, beam_width, max_length)


  • generate_successors: Function to generate possible next states or sequences.
  • score: Function to evaluate and assign a score to each successor.
  • select_top: Function to select the top-ranked successors based on the beam width.


  • Machine Translation: Finding the best translation from source to target language.
  • Text Summarization: Generating concise summaries from lengthy documents.
  • Speech Recognition: Decoding spoken language into text sequences.


Beam Search is a powerful algorithm for searching through large, complex search spaces in AI applications. By balancing exploration and exploitation, it efficiently finds near-optimal solutions for sequence-based problems.