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GFG easy problems 0101-0200

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Problem NameDifficultySolution Link
Count distinct elements in every windowEasyView Solutions
Inorder Successor in BSTEasyView Solutions
Index of an Extra ElementEasyView Solutions
Armstrong NumbersEasyView Solutions
Reverse a Doubly Linked ListEasyView Solutions
Rightmost different bitEasyView Solutions
Remove DuplicatesEasyView Solutions
Count the ZerosEasyView Solutions
Count Pairs whose sum is equal to XEasyView Solutions
Is Binary Number Multiple of 3EasyView Solutions
K distance from rootEasyView Solutions
Count More than n/k OccurencesEasyView Solutions
Minimum element in a sorted and rotated arrayEasyView Solutions
Josephus problemEasyView Solutions
Non-Repeating ElementEasyView Solutions
Selection SortEasyView Solutions
Find Nth root of MEasyView Solutions
Root to leaf path sumEasyView Solutions
Boundary traversal of matrixEasyView Solutions
Minimum OperationsEasyView Solutions
Transpose of MatrixEasyView Solutions
Reverse a string using StackEasyView Solutions
Precise Format - JavaEasyView Solutions
Trailing zeroes in factorialEasyView Solutions
Remove all duplicates from a given stringEasyView Solutions
Sum of all divisors from 1 to nEasyView Solutions
Find missing in second arrayEasyView Solutions
Find the element that appears once in sorted arrayEasyView Solutions
Median of BSTEasyView Solutions
Count BST nodes that lie in a given rangeEasyView Solutions
Minimize the sum of productEasyView Solutions
Reverse CodingEasyView Solutions
Winner of an electionEasyView Solutions
Remove every kth nodeEasyView Solutions
Swap the array elementsEasyView Solutions
Delete node in Doubly Linked ListEasyView Solutions
Largest subarray of 0's and 1'sEasyView Solutions
Count all possible paths from top left to bottom rightEasyView Solutions
Special StackEasyView Solutions
Print PatternEasyView Solutions
Minimum indexed characterEasyView Solutions
Rotate BitsEasyView Solutions
Evaluation of Postfix ExpressionEasyView Solutions
Shortest path from 1 to nEasyView Solutions
Party of CouplesEasyView Solutions
Find the closest numberEasyView Solutions
Segregate 0s and 1sEasyView Solutions
Find first repeated characterEasyView Solutions
Maximize ToysEasyView Solutions
Level order traversal Line by LineEasyView Solutions
Rotate by 90 degreeEasyView Solutions
Form a number divisible by 3 using array digitsEasyView Solutions
Start Coding - JavaEasyView Solutions
Binary Tree to BSTEasyView Solutions
Maximum Width of TreeEasyView Solutions
Predict the ColumnEasyView Solutions
Panagram CheckingEasyView Solutions
Series GPEasyView Solutions
Reach the Nth pointEasyView Solutions
Modular Multiplicative InverseEasyView Solutions
Maximize sum after K negationsEasyView Solutions
Shop in Candy StoreEasyView Solutions
Minimum Number in a sorted rotated arrayEasyView Solutions
Left most and right most indexEasyView Solutions
Find the FrequencyEasyView Solutions
Check the status - PythonEasyView Solutions
Decimal Equivalent of Binary Linked ListEasyView Solutions
Minimum number of CoinsEasyView Solutions
Transform to Sum TreeEasyView Solutions
The New LineEasyView Solutions
Minimum Depth of a Binary TreeEasyView Solutions
Second most repeated string in a sequenceEasyView Solutions
Plus OneEasyView Solutions
Find the Highest numberEasyView Solutions
Print Matrix in snake PatternEasyView Solutions
Check if a number is divisible by 8EasyView Solutions
Reverse BitsEasyView Solutions
Sum of upper and lower trianglesEasyView Solutions
Taking input - JavaEasyView Solutions
Search insert position of K in a sorted arrayEasyView Solutions
Count ways to N'th StairEasyView Solutions
The New Line - JavaEasyView Solutions
Play With OREasyView Solutions
Row with minimum number of 1'sEasyView Solutions
Find the closest pair from two arraysEasyView Solutions
K largest elementsEasyView Solutions
Longest Consecutive 1'sEasyView Solutions
Minimum IntegerEasyView Solutions
For Loop- primeCheckEasyView Solutions
Reach a given scoreEasyView Solutions
Brothers From Different RootsEasyView Solutions
Does array represent HeapEasyView Solutions
Count the elementsEasyView Solutions
Intersection of Two Linked ListsEasyView Solutions
Get min at popEasyView Solutions
Learn to CommentEasyView Solutions
Check if two strings are k-anagrams or notEasyView Solutions
For Loop- primeCheck - JavaEasyView Solutions
Run Length EncodingEasyView Solutions
Product PairEasyView Solutions

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