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useRef Hook Concept


Explanation: useRef is used to maintain mutable references to elements or values across renders without triggering a re-render. It's particularly useful for accessing the DOM elements directly or storing any mutable value that persists for the entire lifetime of the component.

When you call useRef, it returns a mutable ref object whose .current property is initialized to the passed argument (null in the absence of an argument). This property can hold any mutable value.


import React, { useRef } from 'react';

function FocusInput() {
// Create a 'ref' object initialized to 'null'
const inputRef = useRef(null);

// Function to focus on the input element
const handleClick = () => {
inputRef.current.focus(); // Access and focus the input element

return (
{/* Assign 'inputRef' to the input element */}
<input ref={inputRef}

type="text" />
{/* Button uses 'handleClick' function to focus on input */}
<button onClick={handleClick}>Focus Input</button>

In this example, useRef is used to create a reference (inputRef) to the input element. When the button is clicked, handleClick function accesses inputRef.current to focus on the input element without causing a re-render of the component.