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useMemo Hook Concept


Explanation: useMemo is used to memoize expensive calculations or computations so that they are only recomputed when necessary. It is similar to useCallback, but instead of memoizing functions, it memoizes the result of a computation.

When you call useMemo, you pass it a function that performs the expensive computation and a dependency array. It returns the memoized value that only changes when one of the dependencies has changed.


import React, { useMemo, useState } from 'react';

function MemoizedFactorial() {
const [number, setNumber] = useState(5);

// Memoize factorial calculation to optimize performance
const factorial = useMemo(() => {
let fact = 1;
for (let i = 1; i <= number; i++) {
fact *= i;
return fact;
}, [number]);

return (
<p>Factorial of {number} is: {factorial}</p>
{/* Input updates 'number' to recompute factorial */}
<input type="number" value={number} onChange={(e) => setNumber(Number(} />

Factorial of is:

In this example, useMemo memoizes the factorial calculation based on the number state. It ensures that the factorial computation is only recalculated when number changes, optimizing performance by avoiding unnecessary computations on each render.