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CSS Min-Width and Min-Height

In CSS, the min-width and min-height properties are used to set the minimum dimensions of elements in your web page layout. The min-width property specifies the minimum width of an element, while the min-height property specifies the minimum height of an element. By adjusting the min-width and min-height values, you can ensure that elements do not become smaller than a certain size, even if their content is smaller.


The syntax for the min-width and min-height properties is as follows:

selector {
min-width: value;
min-height: value;
  • selector: The element to which the minimum width and height are applied.
  • min-width: The CSS property used to set the minimum width of an element.
  • min-height: The CSS property used to set the minimum height of an element.
  • value: Specifies the minimum width and height values for the element. It can take one of the following forms:
    • <length>: Specifies a fixed minimum width or height value in pixels (e.g., 100px).
    • <percentage>: Specifies the minimum width or height value as a percentage of the width or height of the containing element.
    • auto: Adjusts the minimum width or height automatically based on the content of the element.
    • initial: Sets the minimum width or height to its default value.
    • inherit: Inherits the minimum width or height value from the parent element.
    • unset: Resets the minimum width or height to its inherited value if it inherits from its parent, or to its initial value if not.
  • fit-content: Specifies that the minimum width or height should be the minimum size needed to fit the content.
  • min-content: Specifies that the minimum width or height should be the minimum size needed to fit the content, but not smaller than the min-width or min-height value.
  • max-content: Specifies that the minimum width or height should be the maximum size needed to fit the content, but not larger than the max-width or max-height value.

The default value of the min-width and min-height properties is auto, which means there is no minimum width or height set for the element.


In the following example, the min-width and min-height properties are used to set the minimum dimensions of a <div> element to 100px and 50px, respectively:

div {
min-width: 100px;
min-height: 50px;

In this example, the <div> element will not become smaller than 100px in width and 50px in height, even if its content is smaller. This ensures that the element maintains a minimum size on the page.

Browser Support​

The min-width and min-height properties are supported in all major browsers, including


For more information on browser support, you can refer to the MDN Web Docs and Can I use websites.

By using the min-width and min-height properties, you can ensure that elements in your web page layout maintain a minimum size, providing a better user experience and preventing content from becoming too small to read or interact with.

Additional Information

Compare this snippet from CSS Width and Height to learn how to use the CSS width and height properties to control the dimensions of elements in your web page layout.

Example for min-width and min-height​

In the following example, the min-width and min-height properties are used to set the minimum dimensions of a <div> element to 200px and 100px, respectively:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Min-Width and Min-Height Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css">
<div>This is a div element with a minimum width of 200px and a minimum height of 100px.</div>

Now, you can see the output of the above code in the Browser Window like this:

This is a div element with a minimum width of 200px and a minimum height of 100px.

In this example, the <div> element will not become smaller than 200px in width and 100px in height, even if its content is smaller. The min-width and min-height properties ensure that the element maintains a minimum size on the page, providing a consistent layout for your web page design.

By experimenting with different values for the min-width and min-height properties, you can control the minimum dimensions of elements in your web page layout and create visually appealing designs that adapt to various screen sizes and content lengths.


In this guide, you learned how to use the CSS min-width and min-height properties to set the minimum dimensions of elements in your web page layout. By setting the min-width and min-height values, you can ensure that elements maintain a minimum size on the page, providing a better user experience and preventing content from becoming too small to read or interact with. Experiment with different values for the min-width and min-height properties to create visually appealing designs that adapt to various screen sizes and content lengths.