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Pug Engine

Pug is a concise and powerful templating engine that simplifies writing HTML templates with a clean and expressive syntax.

Example using Pug Template Engine​

  1. Install Pug: First, you need to install pug:

    npm install pug
  2. Setup Express App: Configure your Express.js application to use Pug as the template engine:

    const express = require('express');
    const app = express();
    const port = 3000;

    // Set Pug as the template engine
    app.set('view engine', 'pug');

    // Define a route to render a template
    app.get('/', (req, res) => {
    const data = {
    title: 'Express Pug Example',
    message: 'This is rendered using Pug!'
    // Render 'index' template with the data
    res.render('index', data);

    // Start the server
    app.listen(port, () => {
    console.log(`Server is running on http://localhost:${port}`);
  3. Create Pug Template: Create an index.pug file in the views directory (by convention):

    doctype html
    title= title
    h1= message

    In this template:

    • title= outputs the value of title from the data object.
    • h1= outputs the value of message from the data object.
  4. Run the Application: Start your Express application:

    node app.js

    Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser, and you should see the rendered HTML page with the message "This is rendered using Pug!".


  • Setting the Template Engine: app.set('view engine', 'pug'); sets Pug as the template engine for your Express application.

  • Rendering a Template: res.render('index', data); renders the index.pug template and replaces placeholders (= tags) with data from the data object.

  • Pug Template Syntax:

    • Pug uses indentation to define the structure of the HTML, which makes it more concise compared to traditional HTML.
    • Variables and expressions are embedded directly within the template using = for outputting values.

This example demonstrates how to integrate Pug as the template engine in an Express.js application. Pug's syntax reduces boilerplate and makes it easier to create HTML templates with dynamic content, maintaining the separation of presentation and application logic.