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Nodemailer is a module for Node.js applications that allows you to send emails. It is designed to be easy to set up and use, providing a straightforward API for sending emails through various email services and SMTP servers. Here are some key features and components of Nodemailer:

  1. SMTP Support: Nodemailer supports sending emails using SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), allowing you to use your own email server or a third-party service like Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo Mail.

  2. Transporters: A transporter is an object that defines how emails are sent. Nodemailer provides several built-in transport methods, including SMTP, Sendmail, and more. You can also create custom transport methods if needed.

  3. Email Formatting: Nodemailer supports both plain text and HTML email bodies, making it easy to create rich, formatted emails. It also supports attachments, inline images, and various encoding methods.

  4. Authentication: Nodemailer supports various authentication mechanisms, including OAuth2, making it secure and flexible for different use cases.