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  1. > (Output Redirection):

    • Redirects the standard output (stdout) of a command to a file. If the file exists, it is overwritten.

    command > output.txt
  2. >> (Append Output):

    • Appends the standard output of a command to a file. If the file doesn't exist, it is created.

    command >> output.txt
  3. < (Input Redirection):

    • Redirects the standard input (stdin) of a command from a file.

    command < input.txt
  4. | (Pipe):

    • Redirects the output of one command as the input to another command.

    command1 | command2

    ls | sort | tee sorted_file_list.tx
  5. 2> (Standard Error Redirection):

    • Redirects the standard error (stderr) of a command to a file.

    command 2> error.txt
  6. 2>> (Append Standard Error):

    • Appends the standard error of a command to a file.

    command 2>> error.txt
  7. &> (Redirect Standard Output and Error):

    • Redirects both standard output and standard error to a file.

    command &> output_and_error.txt
  8. 2>&1 (Merge Standard Error with Standard Output):

    • Redirects standard error to the same location as standard output.

    command 2>&1
  9. /dev/null (Null Device):

    • Discards data. Useful for suppressing output.

    command > /dev/null

    ls /fake/directory 2> /dev/null
  10. tee (Split Output):

    • Reads from standard input and writes to standard output and files simultaneously.

    command | tee output.txt

    ls | tee peanuts.txt banan.txt