Consecutive Numbers(LeetCode)
Given a table named Logs with two columns id and num we have to find all the numbers which are repeated three times consecutively.
Given a table named Logs with two columns id and num we have to find all the numbers which are repeated three times consecutively.
Solution to Leetcode 183. Customers Who Never Order
Solution to Leetcode 184 Department Highest Salary
Solution to Leetcode 183. Customers Who Never Order
Given two tables named Employee table with four columns named id, name, salary, departmentId and Department table with two columns named id, name we have to to find the employees who are high earners in each of the departments.
Solution to Leetcode 183. Duplicate Emails
This question solve important question of sql which gives us knowledge about writing of sql command.
This is a solution to game-play-analysis-iv problem on LeetCode.
This question solve important question of sql which gives us knowledge about writing of sql command.
This document provides solutions for the Kids With the Top Travellers problem.
SQL Schema: Given a table with nodes, write an SQL query to find all nodes which are the only child nodes.