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50 docs tagged with "Linked List"

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Delete Alternate Nodes

This document covers methods to delete alternate nodes from a linked list in various programming languages.

Delete Middle of Linked List

This document provides solutions to the problem of deleting the middle node from a singly linked list in various programming languages.

Delete Node in a Linked List

This document provides a solution to the Delete Node in a Linked List problem, where we need to delete a given node from a singly linked list.

Delete without Head Pointer

This document provides solutions to the problem of deleting a node from a singly linked list without having a reference to the head pointer in various programming languages.

Find n/k-th Node in Linked List

This document covers methods to find the n/k-th node in a linked list, where n is the length of the list and k is a given integer, in various programming languages.

Kth from End of Linked List

This tutorial covers the solution to the Kth from End of Linked List problem from the GeeksforGeeks website, featuring implementations in Python and C++.

LFU Cache

This is a solution to the LFU Cache problem on LeetCode.

Linked List Length Even or Odd

This document covers methods to determine if the length of a linked list is even or odd in various programming languages.

LRU Cache

This is a solution to the LRU Cache problem on GeeksForGeeks.

LRU Cache

This is a solution to the LRU Cache on LeetCode.

Merge k Sorted Lists

The given code provides a solution to merge k sorted linked lists into one sorted linked list. The approach used is a divide-and-conquer strategy.

Minimum element in BST

This document provides solutions to finding the minimum element in a binary search tree.

Odd Even Linked List

This document provides a solution to group all the nodes with odd indices together followed by the nodes with even indices given the head of a singly linked list.

Reorder List

This is a solution to the Reorder List problem on LeetCode.

Reverse a Linked List

This document explores different approaches to reversing a linked list, including solutions in Python, Java, C++, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Sort List

This is a solution to the Sort List on LeetCode.