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91 docs tagged with "JavaScript"

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BFS of Graph

This document provides solutions to the problem of performing a Breadth First Search (BFS) traversal of a directed graph in various programming languages.

Climbing Stairs

This document explores different approaches to solving the climbing stairs problem, including recursion, memoization, tabulation, and space optimization.

Delete Middle of Linked List

This document provides solutions to the problem of deleting the middle node from a singly linked list in various programming languages.

Delete without Head Pointer

This document provides solutions to the problem of deleting a node from a singly linked list without having a reference to the head pointer in various programming languages.

Find Triplet with Zero Sum

This document explores different approaches to solving the problem of finding a triplet in an array that sums up to zero, including solutions in JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Java, and C++.

Gray to Binary Equivalent

This document explores different approaches to solving the Gray to Binary Equivalent problem, including brute force, bit manipulation, and optimization techniques, in various programming languages.

Implement Two Stacks in an Array

This document provides solutions to the problem of implementing two stacks in a single array using various programming languages.

Lemonade Change

This document explores different approaches to solving the lemonade change problem, including an easy C++ solution with a greedy algorithm approach.

Matchsticks Game

This is a solution to the problem of determining the number of matchsticks the first player should pick to guarantee a win in the matchsticks game.

Minimum Indexed Character

This document explores different approaches to solving the problem of finding the minimum index of a character in a string that is also present in another string, including solutions in JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Java, and C++.

Paths to Reach Origin

This document explores finding the number of paths to reach the origin (0, 0) on a grid.

Reverse a Doubly Linked List

This document explores different approaches to reversing a doubly linked list in-place, including solutions in Python, Java, C++, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Reverse a Linked List

This document explores different approaches to reversing a linked list, including solutions in Python, Java, C++, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Sort Colors

This is a solution to the Two Sum problem on LeetCode.