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26 docs tagged with "commands"

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delete Document

Learn how to Delete documents in MongoDB collections using different methods.


Device management is a crucial function of an operating system that handles the communication and control of hardware devices.


A distributed system is a collection of independent computers that appear to the users of the system as a single coherent system.


A file system is a method and data structure that the operating system uses to control how data is stored and retrieved.


Memory management is a crucial function of the operating system that handles or manages primary memory.

MongoDB - Create Collection

Learn how to create a collection in MongoDB using the createCollection() method, along with examples, options, and additional commands.

MongoDB - Create Database

Learn how to create a database in MongoDB using the use command, along with examples and additional commands.

MongoDB - Datatypes

Learn about the various datatypes supported by MongoDB, their uses, and examples.

MongoDB - Drop Collection

Learn how to drop a collection in MongoDB using the drop() method, along with examples, additional commands, and a detailed diagram.

MongoDB - Drop Database

Learn how to drop a database in MongoDB using the dropDatabase() command, along with examples and additional commands.

MongoDB - Indexing

Learn how to create and manage indexes in MongoDB to improve query performance.

MongoDB - Limit Records

Learn how to limit the number of records returned in a MongoDB query using the limit() method.

MongoDB - Projection

Learn how to select only necessary fields from documents in MongoDB collections using projection.


An operating system acts as an interface between the software and different parts of the computer or the computer hardware.


Operating system (OS) development involves designing and implementing the core software that manages hardware resources and provides services for application programs.


Process management is a fundamental concept in operating systems that deals with the creation, scheduling, and termination of processes.


Real-time systems are computing systems that must respond to inputs and deliver outputs within a specified time frame.


Security and protection are critical aspects of operating systems, ensuring that the system's resources are used as intended and protecting against unauthorized access, misuse, and harm.


System calls are the interface between a running program and the operating system.


Virtualization is a technology that allows a single physical machine to run multiple virtual machines (VMs), each with its own operating system and applications.